
Saturday, February 08, 2014


Paul Joseph Watson has produced a short video on the promotion of gay rights.

Paul correctly identifies that as things get worse for us then our anger will be channeled into outlets other than expressing that anger politically.

But the facts remain:
1. Dr Richard Day in his 1969 speech stated that a lot of things would happen, and most have happened, one of which is that homosexuality would be encouraged. According to Day, the reasons for this are:
a) as stated above, like gladitorial conflicts in Ancient Rome, occupations of the body such as sex take our minds off our dire predicament, so "anything goes" encourages us to take our minds off the loss of rights, freedoms, jobs, etc.;
b) however, heterosexual sex produces children, and there is nothing the ruling global elite hate more than a child (unless they are about to abuse and then sacrifice it to their dark lord satan). Children = resources. But homosexual sex does not produce children. If we can be encouraged to engage in homosexual sex as the norm, and a homosexual couple (or even more? 3? 4? >4? in a homosexual relationship) still want children (after all the anti-child propaganda, such as the estimated cost of bringing up a child, and the fun you miss out on, and how exhausting they are etc) then children can be created in a wonderful laboratory, that child given the perfect DNA for the role that the ruling global elite select that child to play in their global village.
c) pro homosexual propaganda is nothing new and has not just suddenly appeared to attack Putin this week. Homosexual characters and stories have been appearing in the media more and more frequently over the last few decades. It would be interesting to see when this began, and I would be willing to gamble that it was around 1969, give or take a year or two. I just ran a search on Startpage on the phrase "homosexual characters british tv timeline" and found this on Out magazine's website
which seems a comprehensive study of homosexuality on American TV. Their list starts at 1967 with an anti-homosexual documentary, but by 1971 they say the first homosexual character appeared on TV in 1971. The following year there were a few more, and more in the following years. So around 1969 it looks like a decision was taken to promote homosexuality, on American TV at least. On British TV there was that series Queer as Folk, and in the 1970's there was Larry Grayson, John Inman's character Mr Humphries, and even Monty Python addressed homosexuality with that sketch in which Michael Palin runs up to John Cleese dressed as a Policeman to tell Cleese about a crime but ends up coyly asking him back to his place, which Cleese agrees to do.
2. Putin is a massive thorn in the side of the ruling global elite. They ran the White Revolution through Navalny in 2011 against him, and earlier in 2011 warned Putin through editorials of the Financial Times to either not run for the Russian Presidency and allow the City of London golden boy Medvedev to win, or to be more like Medvedev (Medvedev acquiesced to the attack on Libya). But Putin ran, won and has supported Assad throughout, correctly identifying the threat from the Jihadis, leading to Bandar issuing his threats last year, which Bandar made good on in Volgograd. The gay rights issue is just one of the lines of attack on Putin. However, Putin also wants a rise in the Russian population. The ruling global elite want a decrease, in fact a huge decrease, everywhere, as shown by the now famous quote from our very own Prince Philip wanting to reincarnate as a deadly virus to reduce human population. To the ruling global elite we are useless eaters and a cancer on the planet in times of peace, and cannon fodder in times of war (that they engineer).

What worries me is that the ruling global elite do seem to be able to turn our emotions on and off like a tap. They engineered 2 world wars, tyrants like Hitler and Stalin, a Holocaust, Israel, and 9/11, and have so far been able to get what they have wanted.

But the good news is that Putin has kicked their agents out of Russia or thrown them in jail, and has opposed their moves in the Middle East, hence their attacks on Putin through gay rights, or snowflakes, or whatever else they can think of. And last year a vote for war was defeated in the Marsten House. There is some hope, but a handful of people can't defeat the ruling global elite without support and/or assistance.

I am not anti homosexual. But I don't want it ramming down my throat as part of a population control agenda that would allow warmongering kiddie fiddling Satanists to create genetically engineered children to serve selected roles in their global village of a vastly reduced human population.

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