
Friday, February 21, 2014


We asked 100 people, how would you describe this planet?

You said, great.

Our survey said...(bing) great, was the top answer. 69% said this planet was great, while only 1% said it was shit, the rest were neutral.

We asked 100 people, what is the greatest action that our government has engaged in the last decade?

You said, Ziowar.

Our survey said...(bing) Wars for Israel, was the top answer, Again 69% said the wars on Iraq and Libya, our support for the Israeli war on Lebanon, and our support for the cutthroat Jihadis financed by Saudi Arabia in Syria is the greatest action that our government has engaged in the last decade. Again 1% thought the opposite while the rest were neutral.

We asked 100 people, why have you never bothered to find anything truthful out, even if you don't believe everything what the TV tells you?

You said, because we are lazy, greedy, sex-obsessed animals who are quite content with wars and kiddie-fiddling and mass fraud and all that.

Our survey said...(bing) 3 out 3!! 69%, again the top answer, because we are lazy, greedy, sex-obsessed animals who are quite content with wars and kiddie-fiddling and mass fraud and all that.

And I can believe that. We must be, mustn't we? I mean, we had one world war, the war to end all wars. But 20 years later we had a longer, much bloodier, more horrific world war. And who cares about the Palestinians, eh, terrorised off their lands and thus provoked into a response that has been hijacked to become global Islamic extremist terrorism which has been nurtured right here in Londonistan? Who cares when Kimye is on TV deciding which 10 bedroom mansion to buy?

And perhaps the reason it is always 69% is because, well I'd better not say. After all, this is a family programme.

I guess this shows that 69% definitely does not generate a love for, nor an interest in the well being of, their fellow man, woman and child in Satan's Playground.

And this is Satan's Playground.

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