
Sunday, February 02, 2014


The Editorial in The Observer today continues the attack on Russia with a curious quote:
All human beings are born equal in dignity and rights.

[source : Homophobia: defy Putin with a same-sex kiss at Sochi, Editorial, The Observer,, 2nd February 2014]

This looked familiar to me, and so it should be, because it is based on Article 1 of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the document on which The United Nations is allegedly based. However, as I have extensively shown on this blog, The United Nations:
1. was formed to defeat Hitlerism, yet Hitler was deliberately created and allowed to become a threat to the world, with the acquiesence and assistance from The City of London and Wall Street;
2. was built with Rockefeller money, even though the Rockefellers were key financiers of and collaborators with Hitler and the Nazis;
3. was the result of a second engineered world war, the first engineered world war failing to produce a world government that had any power because the USA did not join, but after the engineered second world war in which the USA suffered many many more casualties the USA not only joined but also hosts the world government, the UN.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 1 actually states:
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

So, one wonders where the reference to "free" went?

Does The Observer not think that we should be free?

But back to the editorial.

International pressure is being applied to Putin, and Russia in general, to acquiesce and surrender to NATO. The illegal attack on Syria is being opposed and resisted by only a handful of nations, but the most prominent and powerful of these is Russia. When Medvedev acquiesced to the war on Libya, The City of London loved him, so much so that articles and editorials were published in the Financial Times ordering Putin to either not run for the Presidency again, or if he did then he should be more like Medvedev. But Putin ran for the Presidency, won and has been Putin. The backing of Russia has given President Assad the confidence and strength to stand up to the covert invasion of Syria by cutthroat Jihadis sponsored by Saudi Arabia with support from the USA, Israel and Great Britain. This resistance forced them to run the largest false flag since 9/11 in August last year at Ghouta, which was designed to provoke worldwide condemnation of Assad and an overt large scale military intervention to support the rebels. But it failed. Russia, and others, saw through it and the plan failed. Russia had earlier exposed the rebels using chemical weapons at Khan al Assal, a proof that forced the rebels into massacring every living thing at Khan al Assal so there was nobody left alive to testify to UN investigators. As a consequence, Prince Bandar bin Sultan bombed Volgograd over the New Year, making good on the threat that he made to Putin last summer. Putin has vowed to hunt Bandar down, forcing Bandar to go into hiding in the USA.

Hence, Putin is even more of a demon than our leaders first thought, so any international pressure that can be forced onto Putin is welcome.

The events in Ukraine are part of their revenge.

And the gay NATO agenda has also been selected as a psyop against Putin and Russia.

I exposed the gay NATO agenda on Tuesday in PUTTING THE GAY NATO AGENDA INTO PERSPECTIVE at perspective.html. There is an agenda for population control. The global elite strongly believe that there are too many of us living on 'their' planet. The UN Global Biodiversity Assessment begins to suggest a huge population reduction programme, which has prompted the introduction of BPA and fertility reduction GM into our food chain. But for this warmongering Satanic demented global elite, the 'benefit' of homosexual sex is that we can't have children from homosexual sex. And any children must therefore be bred in laboratories where DNA can be amended or added to produce the workers of tomorrow with the desired characteristics.

But Putin and Russia do not agree with this depopulation agenda. Russia is suffering a decline in population, and Putin is encouraging an increase in population.

And what exactly do the Russian homosexuality laws say that is causing so much fury in the West? That the propagation of "non-traditional sexual relations" to children is banned.

According to the editorial:
He points out that 85% of the Russian public support the law, as does the highly influential Russian Orthodox church.

So the Russian people support the Russian homosexuality laws.

But what The Guardian/Observer and all the other NATO media organisations attacking Putin and Russia seem to forget (and cover up) is that this Disunited Fascist Queendom is cursed, plagued and infected with Satanism and Paedophilia, and there is no better (or worse?) example of this than Jimmy Savile, who was best buddies with those right at the very top of society. Now, following the revelations of Ed Snowden and all the spying and surveillance etc, do you think that it is at all feasible that his activities were not known about, following all the rumours and allegations and investigations?


They must have known about Savile. Just like they know what you got for Christmas.

All the investigations into elite paedophile rings in this DFQ are being shut down, and covered up. The global elite hate children. They think that children are only good for one thing, and that is for abuse and sacrifice at one of their elite Satanic ceremonies! Hence, they are prepared to unleash cutthroat Jihadis onto defenceless Syrian children.


Is it just a coincidence that all these 'celebrities', some of whom have sold their souls, applying pressure to Putin and Russia over Russia's homosexual laws are not saying anything about the cover ups of elite paedophile rings or about the covert invasion of Syria by cutthroat Jihadis? What do they really know? Only what the next pay cheque tells them?

Our media is controlled. It has an agenda. Ask yourself, why is our media launching an attack on Putin using homosexuality and citing human rights while not saying anything about the truth of the wars since the inside job 9/11, including the abuse of the human rights of Syrian children who are defenceless against cutthroat Jihadis financed by Saudi Arabia, smuggled in by Great Britain and encouraged to go there by preachers such as Michael Adebalajo, who was allowed to preach Jihad on the streets of London under the noses of MI5?

Well, this is the Satanic Paedophile Disunited Fascist Queendom with its capital city, Londonistan.

It's not gud 'ere, is it?

Not good at all.

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