
Tuesday, February 04, 2014


Following the Geneva II talks, and the lack of significant progress towards a peaceful resolution, The Washington Post, as it did all last summer, is calling for war on Syria.
The president claims that the United States could not positively influence the situation in Syria unless it launched an Iraq-style invasion. Mr. Assad demonstrated that this is untrue in his response to Mr. Obama’s threat of targeted airstrikes last summer — a quick agreement to hand over chemical arms. A similar show of U.S. willingness to use limited force could, at the least, compel Mr. Assad to fulfill that deal. But it could also be wielded to put an end to the unconscionable crimes against humanity the regime is committing in full view of the world — from blockades that have caused the starvation of children to the mass execution of prisoners and use of “barrel bombs,” Scud missiles and other indiscriminate weapons on apartment buildings, hospitals and schools.

...With or without U.N. action, it is time for the Obama administration to reconsider how it can check the regime’s crimes and the growing threat of al-Qaeda. As Mr. Kerry reportedly conceded, for now it has no answers.

[source : The U.S. must reconsider its failed Syrian policy, Editorial, The Washington Post,, 4th February 2014]

Contrary to the claims of this editorial, it is the rebels who are starving civilians and children and using them as human shields, it is the rebels who are mass executing anyone who does not agree with their views, and after 2 months of such claims there has still not been any photographic evidence of one single barrel bomb being dropped on Aleppo, but a clue was provided as to what might be going on in Aleppo when it was revealed that there is a dispute between factions of the rebels who are blowing each other up! So regarding Aleppo, there are claims that Syria is dropping barrel bombs on civilians but no photographic evidence of a barrel bomb being dropped...AFTER 2 MONTHS, but we are now reading that there is a fight between factions of the rebels who are blowing each other up. You do the maths.

But the new meme I see is that Syria is now Afghanistan 2.0.

I see all the same rhetoric on Syria as there was on Afghanistan: a hotbed for extremists; a launchpad for attacks on the homeland, etc, etc.

But as always, The Washington Post and the rest of the NATO media deliberately fail to mention that we created the Islamic terrorists of all types, nurtured them through a Covenant of Security, agreed that Saudi Arabia would unleash the nastiest, most medieval, cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria, gave them cover through the fake Arab Spring, assisted the Jihadis on the ground in Libya, and then smuggled them into Syria, as stated by Roland Dumas, with Saudi Arabia providing the finance.

In other words, we create problems to impose our solutions.

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