
Wednesday, February 05, 2014


Regarding the struggle by the Ziolobby to impose more sanctions on Iran, an act that would lead to some kind of violent conflict because sanctions would provoke Iran into doing something, which would lead to the USA (under Israeli pressure) to respond, etc., Wayne Madsen
called this “very encouraging” and said this is “the first major showdown between an American administration and the Israel lobby. It doesn’t look right now that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, known as AIPAC, has the necessary votes to get this legislation through. And if it’s defeated it would represent the first major defeat of AIPAC in the existence of the organization, which has been around for several decades abd vetoing basically any kind of American initiative towards peace in the Middle East.”

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC.), a chief advocate of new Iran sanctions, admitted that efforts to convince more members to get on board had run into problems.

The White House has launched a full-court press to prevent a vote in the Senate, warning that passing new sanctions now would undercut the fragile nuclear talks with Iran.

[source : Journalist: Iran bill first fight between US gov., AIPAC, PressTV,, 3rd February 2014]

They did 9/11 to get at nations like Syria and Iran.

Syria is now a pile of rubble in many areas but President Bashar al Assad is still in power, and likely to stay in power according to Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. The likes of The Bilderberg Post, etc still want an overt war on Syria. They ran the horrific false flag at Ghouta last August to provoke some kind of overt large scale military intervention to save Bandar's cutthroat Jihadis...but it failed. All last year they begged and whinged and threw childish tantrums, demanding war on Syria. But Obama refused. Hence PNAC's Bill Kristol's The Emergency Committee for Israel releasing their undisguised declaration of war on Obama.

But the big kahuna was always Iran. They wrote Which Path to Persia?, a document in which the Zionists think aloud about how to get Iran.

And Obama is denying them their wars.

Hence all the latest talk about impeachment and military coups by retired officers on ZioWorld Net Daily.

Obama is implementing some of the agenda, such as TPP, but not the wars. He loves his Nobel Peace Prize too much. They wanted Romney in, but they got Obama. Hence all the scandals and pressure to attack Syria. And all the pressure to impose more sanctions on Iran.

They want war.

They can't get enough of it, particularly when they're not doing the fighting.

The Truth Serum Report of the Year 2012 suggested that Obama and Dempsey and others were considering exposing 9/11. So far they have not, but there have been some cracks allowing some light to be shone on 9/11 when the role of Saudi Arabia in 9/11 was recently discussed in the US media. But that quickly stopped.
Some of the same high-level sources who point to Richard Clarke as the US boss of the Israeli-instigated 9/11 false flag operation also claim that President Obama, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Dempsey, and other powerful Americans are considering exposing the truth about 9/11 during a second Obama term. In other words, Obama's re-election could put Israel out of business, and get Netanyahu hanged from the nearest lamp-post.

[source : Israel seeks war on Iran to keep lid on 9/11, PressTV,, 21st September 2012]

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