
Sunday, March 23, 2014


I have just sent the following letter to William Hague in response to his rant in The Sunday Telegraph today.


William Hague
Foreign Secretary
Foreign and Commonwealth Office,
King Charles Street

Dear Mr Hague

I read with great amusement your rant regarding Russia which was published in The Sunday Telegraph on 23rd March 2014. So I write to you to tell you to stop your pathetic ranting before you start another war in which many people, other than yourself and the many warmongering politicians in The House of Commons, needlessly die due to cowards such as yourself.

Last year was a very good example of your warmongering. On 21st August there was a horrific tragedy at Ghouta near Damascus in Syria. Immediately the NATO media went into overdrive and accused the Assad government of launching chemical weapons. Initial estimates of dead approached 2000, but as the days passed this was revised down to a few hundred. However, this did not stop cowardly warmongers such as yourself pushing for war on Syria which would no doubt have involved missiles being launched from hundreds of miles from Syria and bombs being dropped onto Syria from tens of thousands of feet. Perhaps a land invasion would also have occurred. Who knows. Thankfully enough MPs saw sense and voted against military action against Syria.

The evidence against Assad is flimsy at best. There was no need for the Assad government to use chemical weapons in a residential area to kill some rebels. The Syrian Arab Army was, and still is, easily defeating the rebels with conventional weapons. And UN inspectors were just down the road too.

But why were UN inspectors just down the road? Because they were in Syria to investigate the use of chemical weapons at Khan al Assal. As with Ghouta, the NATO media blamed the use of chemical weapons at Khan al Assal on the Assad government, no doubt to convince President Obama that Assad had crossed his red line. But what was barely reported was that after this there was a slaughter of the inhabitants of Khan al Assal together with soldiers of the Syrian Arab Army. Russia was invited into Syria to investigate this event and concluded, under international standards, that the rebels had used chemical weapons at Khan al Assal. Russia submitted this evidence to the United Nations, which led to the weapons investigators being in Damascus on 21st August last year. But this also led to the slaughter. Within days of Syria agreeing to allow the UN in to investigate the use of chemical weapons at Khan al Assal, the slaughter took place. The rebels went back into Khan al Assal and murdered everyone at Khan al Assal, including soldiers of the Syrian Arab Army, so that nobody was left alive to give evidence to the UN investigators.

So regarding Ghouta, the rebels had form. They are on video testing their chemical weapons on rabbits. They were arrested with kilograms of chemical weapons. They are on video issuing threats of using chemical weapons.

But more importantly, a threat of such an atrocity as occurred at Ghouta was made to President Putin by Prince Bandar bin Sultan last summer.

The Saudi-backed rebels needed an event such as Ghouta to provoke an overt large scale military intervention on their behalf. Following the fall of al Qusair in early June last year, the Syrian rebels began to suffer frequent serious defeats. Saudi Arabia is arguably the main supporter of the Syrian rebels. This is due to an agreement reached between the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia around 2007 in which the latter would unleash the nastiest cutthroat Jihadis onto particular nations, which I will address later. This series of defeats prompted Prince Bandar bin Sultan of Saudi Arabia to meet with President Putin. Bandar issued a threat: if Russia would dump Assad then Saudi Arabia would purchase billions of dollars of Russian weapons, and allow Russia to operate in the Middle East; or else he, Bandar, would unleash hell on earth in Syria and Lebanon to embarrass Putin into dumping Assad.

Putin rejected this lovely offer.

On21st August, the horrific tragedy occurred.

Assad had no need to use chemical weapons at Ghouta. The Syrian Arab Army was easily defeating the rebels with conventional weapons, using chemical weapons would have turned the Syrian people against him, and provided the perfect casus belli for NATO to bomb Syria to smithereens.

On the other hand, the rebels had form from using chemical weapons from Khan al Assal, had been arrested with kilograms of chemical weapons, had videoed their experiments with chemical weapons, had issued threats of using chemical weapons, needed large scale military intervention on their behalf, and a threat of creating such an atrocity had been made by Prince Bandar bin Sultan.

And there is a conflict in Syria because of a plan for a series of wars that was revealed to General Wesley Clark shortly after the attacks of 11th September 2001. Clark was told that there would be war on seven nations in five years. The seven nations named to Clark were, Iraq, Iran, Syria and Lebanon, with Libya, Sudan and Somalia. A video of Clark stating this is available on Youtube at .

We invaded Iraq in 2003 on a pack of lies. Israel engineered a war on Hezbollah in 2006. But by 2007 this plan was seriously behind schedule. So the aforementioned agreement between the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia was reached that Saudi Arabia would unleash Jihadis onto some of the nations named to Clark. We went to war against Libya in 2011, during which British Special Forces assisted these Jihadis on the ground while the RAF became their air force, and UN SCR 1973 was perverted to kill Gaddafi. After Libya, these Jihadis were smuggled into Syria. Former French foreign minister Roland Dumas says that he was asked by Great Britain to help smuggle the Jihadis into Syria.

And we have seen the nature of these Jihadis; cutthroats of the worst kind. Cannibals, decapitating anything that moves, slitting the throats of defenceless Syrian children.

All thanks to you!

But back to Russia and Ukraine.

You write:
All nations, including Russia, depend on a rules-based international system.

Surely all that I have described above is illegal?

Surely smuggling cutthroat Jihadis into Syria, to kill defenceless Syrian children and oust a leader of a foreign government, is illegal? Particularly when it was all planned in 2001, and probably before 9/11. The list of nations named to Clark contains a number of nations considered to be anti-Zionist. Iraq, Iran, Syrian and Lebanon had been named in A Clean Break. Iraq and Iran had been named in Rebuilding America’s Defenses.

Regarding interference in Ukraine, before the recent events in Ukraine, in 2004 a colour revolution sponsored by George Soros, the National Endowment for Democracy and Boris Berezovsky occurred.

Victoria Nuland is on video stating that the USA has spent over $5 billion on regime change in Ukraine. A video of this speech is available on Youtube at .

Victoria Nuland has also been recorded discussing potential members of any new government of Ukraine with the US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt. This is also available on Youtube at . Is it just a coincidence that the new cabinet is approximately what she suggests?

Yanukovich had reached a deal with the Maidan protestors. The situation in Ukraine was stabilising. But then some snipers began shooting protesters and police. This provoked outrage, which the violent fascists capitalised on, and violently ousted a legitimately elected government. Members of far right political parties such as Svoboda and Right Sector now control the Ukraine security, defence and justice apparatus.

But who were these still unidentified snipers, who provided a fantastic opportunity for the violent fascists to oust Yanukovich? Well, according to another intercepted phone call, this time involving the unelected Baroness Catherine Ashton, the snipers were controlled by the protesters! This call is available on Youtube at .

And as for “Yats”, the unelected new Prime Minister of Ukraine? His Open Ukraine Foundation is linked to George Soros, and he lists his partners as NATO and The National Endowment for Democracy.

I believe that the recent events in Ukraine are part of a long term plan to bring every single nation on this planet under the domination of the powers that created NATO and the EU. Both the EU and NATO have expanded well past their initial membership and purpose of existence. NATO has expanded from Checkpoint Charlie to the borders of Russia. And the EU was created by a handful of members for job creation, but now has a Foreign Minister, a military and is looting Greek bank accounts.

I also believe that this plan for global domination was accelerated in Ukraine because of Russia’s refusal to acquiesce to removing President Bashar al Assad of Syria as part of the aforementioned war plan revealed to General Wesley Clark. This is why there is so much anger at Crimea rejoining Russia, because Russia still has naval access to the Black Sea and thus to the Mediterranean Sea and thus to Syria.

In Ukraine, NATO has exposed itself and not got everything it wanted. Yes, NATO/EU now have control of Kiev, but not Sevastopol. And at what cost? With all this Youtube evidence of speeches and intercepted phone calls?

I also believe that this expansion is risking yet another global war, this time involving nuclear weapons.

This aggression by the powers behind NATO and the EU against Russia and Syria, indeed against all sovereign nations, must stop immediately.

This world needs global cooperation for the global development of sovereign nations, not cowardly warmongering for the benefit of a true oligarchy which included Jimmy Savile as a close friend.

Yours Truly

[name removed]

ps Have you ever considered grabbing a uniform, a helmet, a pair of boots and a rifle and joining the rebels in Syria yourself?

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