
Sunday, March 02, 2014


Very shortly after the horrific events on 11th September 2001 we were told that Osama bin Laden had ordered four passenger planes to be hijacked and flown into US government and commercial buildings of great significance; the WTC, The Pentagon, and it is assumed The White House. NATO newspapers were full of calls for war. Politicians called for war. So we went to war.

A very small percentage of the public opposed war. These people may have believed the government version of those events but because they oppose war in general they opposed war.

And of these there was an even smaller percentage who opposed war but also did NOT believe the government version.

I was one of these.

Before the first WTC had collapsed at near free fall speed into its own footprint, suspiciously resembling a controlled demolition, I had grave and serious doubts that the events on 9/11 could have been executed without it being some kind of inside job.

Fast forward a few years and we now know:
1. Osama bin Laden died around Christmas 2001 from Marfan Syndrome, but we weren't told this otherwise Afghan opium would have been totally destroyed and there would be very little opium on the streets of Great Britain to destroy the lives of British citizens and make a lucrative profit for establishment families;
2. General Wesley Clark was told of a plan for war on seven nations in five years; Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan and Somalia;
3. Because this plan was moribund by 2007, with only 2 of these 7 nations attacked, a Plan B was agreed between the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia that the latter would unleash cutthroat Jihadis onto some of those nations named to Clark that had not yet been attacked;
4. The Arab Spring was engineered to provide cover for these cutthroat Jihadis to be portrayed as 'freedom fighters' so that they could be provided with political and military support from NATO and its politicians;
5. These cutthroat Jihadis were first unleashed onto Libya, where they received support on the ground from British Special Forces, and NATO became their Royal Air Force;
6. After ignoring UN SCR 1973 and murdering Colonel Gaddafi, NATO smuggled these Jihadis into Syria, having asked former French foreign minister Roland Dumas to smuggle them in 2009;
7. Because the Syrian Arab Army had resisted these Jihadis and began annihilating them, Prince Bandar issued a warning to Putin that Bandar was about to unleash hell on earth in Syria, and a few weeks later hundreds of Syrian children and their parents were massacred in a false flag attack blamed on Assad which was designed to provoke a NATO intervention on behalf of the cutthroats.

So before we go launching any war, or any action that risks war, over Ukraine, The Marsten House must first investigate what links, however tenuous, there are between the new government of Ukraine, the fascist organisations who helped install that government, and the foundations, NGOs and intelligence services of the UK and also the USA.

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