
Sunday, March 09, 2014


In 1917 a Red Cross Mission set sail for Russia. But this mission did not have altruistic medical and/or humanitarian motives. The 'mission' consisted of Wall Street executives and their minions, on a mission to capture the vast Russian market for Wall Street. This mission began just a few months after Trotsky had been given an American passport, set sail for Russia, had been detained at Halifax, Canada and released upon orders from the British Admiralty!! This is all in Wall Street and The Bolshevik Revolution.

War is a Racket, declared General Smedley Butler in his book of the same title. Butler described his view that the US military was operating as the muscle for the gangsters of Wall Street.

Butler was, and still is, correct.

Today the lies that drag the USA into wars for Wall Street (and Israel and The City of London) are exposed almost as soon as they leave politicians mouths. The problem is that only 0.001% of the people see through these lies, while the remaining 99.999% of the people are so obsessed with The Only Way Is Essex (and/or the last 3 letters) that they don't want to know, and when they are told they cannot be bothered.

And so it is with Ukraine.

The only politician I have heard based in that hellhole of democracy, The Marsten House, aka The Houses of Parliament, who has spoken any kind of truth about Ukraine is George Galloway, who on his Comment on Press TV last Thursday suggested exactly what I have suggested; that Ukraine is payback for Putin stopping war on Syria last year, and that this is about Sevastopol.

But there is violent revolution in the world besides in Ukraine.

In Venezuela over 20 people have died in violent protests not seen there since April 2002 when an attempt was made to oust Hugo Chavez. This attempt almost succeeded when Chavez was kidnapped and a puppet government granted itself powers. But the people loved Chavez and chased the coup away. This is all documented in John Pilger's The War on Democracy.

But is there a link between Ukraine and Venezuela?

Can the same force be behind the 'revolution' in not only Ukraine and Venezuela but everywhere?

This week's Truthseeker on Russia Today examines and exposes how the US State Department and its minions foment war and revolution, and how humanitarian organisations have been infiltrated to support Wall Street.
The official RT link is ttp://

But the report is available on Youtube and embedded here.

An earlier Truthseeker report on Ukraine is

Note to Abby Martin : This is proper professional journalism for a mainstream channel with a responsibility to inform.

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