
Monday, March 03, 2014


I think we are beginning to see why Craig Murray was made Ambassador to Uzbekistan; his Russophobia. To have such a Russophobe as Ambassador to Uzbekistan would help to influence Uzbekistan towards NATO. Murray has again displayed his Russophobia, stating that, in his view, it is gross hypocrisy to support Russia invading and possibly annexing Crimea. But Ukrainian Neo-Nazis now control the military, police, intelligence and justice apparatus in Ukraine after they ransacked and burned government buildings, and murdered policemen. They are executing vigilante justice against anyone they do not like. And they are expressing their Russophobia in banning the Russian language in Ukraine.

Yesterday I likened what we are seeing in Ukraine to seeing a known convicted multiple rapist and murderer trying to drag a woman down a dark side street. The USA has admitted that it has spent over $5 billion to force regime change in Ukraine. In 2004 NATO NGOs and Wall Street/City of London tried regime change in Ukraine, again spending billions of dollars.

Last year, following the bombing of the Boston Marathon, Craig Murray wrote this:
Cui Bono? Putin.

...In the late 1830′s, Palmerston launched a (disastrous) secret service operation to ship weapons to anti-Russian rebels in modern Chechnya and Dagestan. This was contributory to the tensions that caused the First Anglo-Afghan War, and will feature in my forthcoming biography of Alexander Burnes. For almost two hundred years now there has been covert Western encouragement of anti-Russian movements in the Caucasus – which is not to say that the West was involved in or encouraged the urban terrorist wing of the Chechen nationalist movement in modern times. But links between Chechen nationalists and the US government have been maintained, and there is no support whatsoever among any significant Chechen nationalist leadership for the Boston bombings.

[source : Craig Murray, The Tsarnaev Conundrum,, 20th April 2013]

Yet yesterday Murray attacked Putin for not allowing these regions to break away from Russia, which if it occured would satisfy British foreign policy.

And like Assange and Scahill, Murray believes in the official US government fairytale that 19 hijackers, controlled by a man living in a cave in Afghanistan requiring frequent kidney dialysis, were able to outwit the all-seeing all-knowing US military and fly unimpeded around the most protected airspace in the world for nearly 2 hours, before flying the planes into the WTC and even The Pentagon, when a Zionist cabal who wanted to go on a bloody warmongering rampage wanted such a terrorist attack and were in precisely the right places at the right time with the right powers to allow it all to happen and capitalise on all the death and destruction.

Shortly after that murdered September day General Wesley Clark was told of a plan for war on seven nations in five years. We killed approaching 1 million Iraqis in 2003. Israel killed a few hundred Lebanese in 2006. But by 2007 this plan was moribund. So in 2007 an agreement was reached between the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia that the latter would unleash cutthroat Jihadis onto some of the nations named to Clark. The Arab Spring was engineered to provide cover so that the cutthroats could receive NATO military and political support. The cutthroats made their bloody debut in Libya in 2011, receiving assistance from British Special Forces on the ground while NATO was their air force, totally ignoring UN SCR 1973 (and encouraged to do this by The Guardian) and bombing Libya to smithereens, killing tens of thousands of Libyans while the Jihadis raped and lynched black Libyans.

After Libya the Jihadis were smuggled into Syria, where they have been slitting the throats of defenceless Syrian children. Putin has backed Assad throughout as Assad repels and destroys the cutthroat Jihadis. The situation is that desperate for the cutthroats that last year Prince Bandar went to Russia and issued a threat to Putin, to dump Assad or Bandar would unleash hell on earth in Syria and Lebanon. A week later the Hezbollah HQ was attacked. And a week or so after that was the horrific event at Ghouta where hundreds of Syrian children and their parents were murdered. But by whom? NATO media would have you believe that Assad did it. But this is the mother of all insults to logic: the Syrian Arab Army was beginning to annihilate the cutthroats with conventional weapons; and such an event would obviously cross Obama's red line and provoke a military response. On the other hand, the cutthroats were in desperate need of military intervention on their behalf, had chemical weapons, had tested them, had issued warnings of using them, and Russia had provided evidence to the UN that the rebels had used chemical weapons at Khan al Assal. Putin saw through this provocation and backed Assad.

In 2012 there was an election in Russia. Throughout 2011 the Financial Times published editorials telling Putin not to run for the Presidency, and to instead let Medvedev take over. Putin ran. In response there was a CIA colour revolution, this time The White Revolution, spearheaded by Wall Street/NED goon Alexy Navalny, to stop Putin being re-elected.

And before this, in 2006 there was the death of the radioactive traitor Alexander Litvinenko. For years the British government has screamed and cried and howled that Putin did it. They say they have the slam dunk evidence. But at every opportunity to reveal this evidence in all its glory, the British government has always found an excuse to keep it secret. As I pointed out last year, this evidence could have been presented to the world to convince Putin to dump Assad, but instead our glorious ally Saudi Arabia issued a horrific threat to Putin which led to the deaths of hundreds of Syrian children and their parents at Ghouta. And now would be an even more perfect opportunity to reveal this evidence, to force Russia to withdraw from Crimea and allow a NATO neo-Nazi coup to succeed in Ukraine. But still no evidence. From this we can only conclude that the British government is lying...AGAIN... and that no such evidence exists!!

The force behind the wars since 9/11 is Robert Kagan. He founded PNAC. PNAC wrote Rebuilding America's Defenses, calling for global war and a "new Pearl Harbor". And members of PNAC were in very powerful positions on 9/11, such as Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense, and Vice President.

The force behind recent events in Ukraine is his wife, Victoria Nuland. She was recorded discussing the make up of the new cabinet, and admitted that the USA has spent $5 billion on regime change in Ukraine.

This marriage made in hell represents the current power structure in the USA, and is the known convicted multiple rapist and murderer, Ukraine is the woman, and neo-Nazi IMF fascism is the dark side street.

Now, the majority of people in Crimea are Russian and speak Russian. Their allegiance is to Russia.

They are now terrified.

They have requested that Russia come to their aid, to protect them from Russophobic neo-Nazi thugs, drunk with power.

This blog fully supports Russia's actions in Ukraine.

And Members of the Marsten House had better take a good long look at themselves in the mirror, and ask: what did we fight for in World War 2?

We fought, our fathers fought, our grandfathers fought, against Hitlerism. It's right there in The Declaration of the United Nations of 1st January 1942.

Yet the vast majority of the Members of the Marsten House are supporting a violent fascist coup in Ukraine executed by neo-Nazis who worship Hitler and Ukrainian Nazi collaborators, while attacking the one international leader who is assisting President Assad of Syria to repel and annihilate a covert invasion of cutthroat Jihadis funded by the medieval diabolical Kingdom of Saudi Arabia!!


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