
Sunday, March 23, 2014


NATO media is reporting that dastardly Syria has been ignoring Turkey's demands to stop flying its plane close to the border between them, and that Turkey lost patience and shot down a Syrian fighter jet after it violated Turkish airspace. In some reports there is a brief mention that a rebel operation is underway to control an important border crossing at Kassab.

But what NATO media is not reporting is that the rebels:
1. are based in Turkey:
2. are trying to secure the crossing to allow them into Syria:
3. are receiving military support from Turkey who are firing artillery into Syria from Turkey to support the rebels.

And this has been going on since since The (fake CIA) Arab Spring began in Syria.
Damascus, (SANA) Syria dismissed military aggression which the Turkish government has waged against Syria’s sovereignty and the sanctity of its land in Kassab area over past two days as reflecting Turkey’s actual involvement in the events in Syria from the beginning of the crisis up to now.

An official source at the Foreign and Expatriates Ministry labeled in a statement on Sunday Turkish aggression as “unprecedented and unjustifiable” that also reflects bankruptcy of Erdogan.

The aggression, the source noted, included firing tank and artillery shells on the Syrian territories to secure coverage for the armed terrorist groups to enter into Syria from the Turkish land.

It reiterated that these “serious” Turkish military attacks reflect Erdogan’s failure to handle the needs of the Turkish people who have rejected the Turkish government’s hostile policies against Syria as they also rejected the corruption which Erdogan is involved and uncovering the involvement which led to the Turkish people to take part in massive protests against Erdogan demanding the departure of his regime.

“This escalation came in the framework of the aggressive policies of Erdogan’s government and its openly-provided support to the armed terrorist groups,” said the source, adding that the terrorist groups have taken up the Turkish lands as a shelter, springboard and arming center for them to kill innocent Syrians and destroy the infrastructure of the Syrian people.

Syria demands Erdogan government halt its aggression, support terrorism and show respect to the Security Council’s relevant resolutions, the Foreign Ministry source said.

It also voiced Syria’s demand the Turkish government “refrain from involving Turkish army in unavailing and unjustifiable adventures against a neighboring country that have only the feelings of fraternity and good-neighborliness towards the Turkish people and the desire to continue good bilateral relations that serve the two neighboring countries and their peoples”.

[source : Damascus: Turkish aggression in Kassab reflects actual involvement in events since beginning, SANA,, 23rd March 2014]

This could be a response to the pressure being applied to Erdogan by the NATO Satanists, who now face total humiliation and defeat in Syria, having fought a covert war against Syria for over 3 years.

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