
Sunday, April 13, 2014


There is an interesting view of WW1 on the No Glory website.

The general drift is that one nation spilled some beer over another nation and all the others joined in the brawl. In this parody nobody is to blame, and the whole point is that war is senseless.

Yes. War is senseless.

But somebody is to blame.

And that somebody is this Disunited Fascist Queendom.

This is taking the same point of view that John Rees expressed, that the war was going to happen anyway.


For example, the parody begins with this:
Austria demands Serbia buy it a whole new suit because of the new beer stains on its trouser leg.

But who spilled the beer? And why?

The general take is that Serbian revolutionaries killed Arch Duke Ferdinand. So this No Glory parody should possibly instead start with
Austria demands Serbia buy it a whole new suit because Serbia threw some beer over its trouser leg.

This would be a bit more accurate.

But the assassins of Ferdinand were Freemasons, were given the material for the assassination by Freemasons abroad and were encouraged that Freemasonry had condemned Ferdinand to death.

So what would be much more accurate is:
Austria demands Serbia buy it a whole new suit because Serbia, under the orders of British Freemasonry, threw some beer over its trouser leg.

Now that would be much more accurate.

There is also this line in the No Glory parody:
Britain and France ask Germany whether it’s looking at Belgium.

This should be amended to state what should have happened:
Britain and France ask Germany whether it’s looking at Belgium, because if it was then Britain would destroy Germany as soon as Germany even glanced at Belgium.

That is what should have happened. But what actually happened was that:
1. King George V told Kaiser Wilhelm that Great Britain would not become involved in any war;
2. Sir Edward Grey was quite neutral over Belgium and did not make it clear what Great Britain would do if Germany invaded Belgium.

So in this No Glory parody Great Britain is absolved of all responsibility.

But without Great Britain condemning Ferdinand to death in Freemasonic lodges in 1912 there would have been no assassination.

And without British manipulation of the subsequent outrage, by enticing Germany to invade Belgium by not showing any concern or intention to join the brawl, there would have been no war.

So what at first appears to be a rather clever take on WW1 is actually a very dangerous and disappointing pro-establishment apology.

Tut. Tut. Tut.

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