
Saturday, April 12, 2014


Zac Goldsmith recently married into THE Rothschild banking family. His wife is a direct descendant of Nathan Mayer Rothschild who was sent to London and established N M Rothschild.

Goldsmith appears to be trying to create a reputation as some kind of rebel. However, Goldsmith is...a member of The Conservative Party!!

So my first question is: can you be a rebel if you are both a member of THE Rothschild banking family AND a Conservative MP?

My answer would be, are you having a laugh?

I managed to see Goldsmith on his latest appearance on Russia Today, on George Galloway's Sputnik on Russia Today this morning. Due to the recent scandal surrounding former Conservative Minister Maria Miller, Galloway began bringing attention to Goldsmith's attempt to clean up politics through the introduction of the right to recall.

During the show Goldsmith used the word maverick to describe himself.

And he stated that it is the duty of every MP to hold the government accountable to their constituents.

But how much of a maverick and/or rebel is Goldsmith?

First, we almost went to war on Syria last year. The Marsten House voted against war. But the maverick Goldsmith voted for it!!

And according to The Public Whip, Goldsmith has the following voting record:
Rebellions - 68 votes out of 784 (8.7%)

Attendance - 784 votes out of 1024 (76.6%)

And most of his 'rebellions' are on very minor votes.

On this record, is Goldsmith a 'maverick' and/or a 'rebel'?

Again my answer would be, are you having a laugh?

1. first the anti-bankster Max Keiser has a very chummy chat with this most recent member of THE Rothschild banking family, Zac Goldmsith;
2. a few weeks later Afshin Rattansi interviewed Goldsmith on Going Underground;
3. now the anti-Zionist George Galloway has a very chummy chat with the most recent member of THE Rothschild Zionist family.

On all three appearances the topic was recall.

But we didn't need recall to oust Miller.

There are far more important things in politics than recall, such as the eye-watering austerity that The Conservative Party, for whom Goldsmith is a MP, is implementing due to the muggins British taxpayer bailing out The City of London which is ruled by...The Rothschilds, with its latest member Zac Goldsmith MP!!

I ask again: WTF is going on with Goldsmith and Russia Today?

I ask again: should Russia Today rename itself Rothschild Today?

Please, can anyone who is a constituent of Goldsmith get onto him about (a) his voting record, and (b) how and why his appearances on Russia Today were arranged.

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