
Tuesday, April 15, 2014


It is being reported that the neo-Nazi NATO-sponsored unelected putschists have used helicopter gunships to put down the rebellion of pro-Russia Ukrainians in Kramatorsk.
A prolonged and increasingly vicious confrontation in eastern Ukraine turned into armed conflict today as Ukrainian troops used helicopter gunships to seize back an airport that had been held by pro-Russian militiamen.

The attack at Kramatorsk came as ground forces with armour gathered around Slovyansk, which had become a symbolic stronghold for well-armed separatists.

At Kramatorsk, two of the aircraft carried out strafing runs, before two others landed troops. Four people were believed to have been injured, but claims of people killed, some of them civilians, could not be verified.

[source : Ukraine crisis: Helicopter gunships take country closer to all-out war, The Independent,, 15th April 2014]

But haven't we heard this before?

And when we did was it not said to be a very bad thing?

Yes, we have heard this before.

In Syria.

And it was said to be very, very bad, that bad that for years there have been several attempts to implement a No Fly Zone over Syria.

But there are several crucial differences between Ukraine and Syria:
1. the protestors in East Ukraine are genuinely from East Ukraine, while the protestors in Syria are from virtually every corner of the universe;
2. the protestors in East Ukraine have genuine concerns and grievances after watching an anti-Russia NATO-sponsored violent neo-Nazi coup in Kiev, while the protestors in Syria have been smuggled into Syria by the likes of Great Britain to grind down the indefatigable Syrian people though horrific terror.

It will be interesting to see and hear how NATO politicians contrast this use of helicopter gunships in Ukraine to that in Syria.

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