
Saturday, May 03, 2014


The Ukraine military is reluctant to involve itself in the crackdown on protest in East Ukraine against the NATO-sponsored IMF-backed neo-Nazi putschists in Kiev. So the Brown Shirt National Guard and their ilk, Right Sector and Svoboda, are being drafted in to put the protests down.

The Ukraine military is crumbling. As soon as they confront the Ukrainian people they realise that the people are not 'terrorists', as the neo Nazi NATO-sponsored putschists describe them, but ordinary people just like them with legitimate concerns.

But in reserve is the brownshirt National Guard which is made up of hardcore neo-Nazi Maidan thugs who can't wait to steam in and crush some pro-Russian heads.

Reports vary in the number of deaths, but at least 30 protestors were burned to death last night in Odessa. The story seems to be that the pro-Kiev neo Nazis marched through Odessa and were joined by some sympathetic football hooligans. Some sort of scuffle occured between pro- and anti-Kiev supporters. The anti-Kiev supporters were chased into the Trades Unions House and either barricaded themselves in or were caged in. The pro-Kiev neo-Nazis, aping their Nazi heroes, then threw Molotov cocktails at the house which either set the house ablaze or the house was deliberately set ablaze by the neo Nazis. It is illogical that the anti-Kiev supporters would set the house ablaze themselves with themselves inside. Once the house was on fire the neo-Nazis cheered and tweeted their joy, while the police watched on doing nothing. Fire engines were blocked or delayed. Some anti-Kiev supporters inside the building threw themselves from 2nd and 3rd floor windows. Those who survived this were then beaten and humiliated by being forced to crawl through the pro-Kiev supporters, who hurled verbal abuse at the survivors.

But they were the lucky ones. Other anti-NATO anti-IMF anti-Kiev protestors were, like Jews in Nazi Germany, burned alive by the rabid neo-Nazis.

When the legitimately elected government of Ukraine was ousted a few months ago, in a violent NATO-sponsored neo-Nazi coup, NATO media and NATO politicians danced and shouted with joy. The Guardian portrayed this violent coup as a romantic uprising against a Russophile tyranny. But that legitimately elected government of Ukraine had decided not to sell its soul to the cutthroat-Jihadi-loving EU/IMF/Bohemian Grove cabal, but instead sign a deal with Russia, which proposed better terms for the people of Ukraine. It was after this decision was taken that things really took off. The neo-Nazis were unleashed, resulting in daily violence. The legitimately elected government of Ukraine reached a deal with the protestors. But then as yet unidentified snipers started to shoot at protestors and police. In the resulting outrage the neo-Nazis stormed government buildings, chased out the legitimately elected government of Ukraine and declared themselves rulers.

Since then no election has taken place. Therefore President Obama is 100% incorrect when he states that the current government in Kiev has been elected. They may have elected themselves, but they have not been elected by the people of Ukraine.

Photographs of the neo-Nazis and their violence were suppressed in the NATO media. This is not surprising because many of the neo-Nazis wore Nazi insignia, waved flags bearing Nazi insignia, and carried images of their hero the Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera. Our politicians cheered these neo-Nazi thugs on as they violently ousted the legitimately elected government of Ukraine, and then signed Ukraine over to the Bohemian Grove/IMF cabal.


And now the neo-Nazis are caging their enemies in buildings and burning them alive!!

I demand that William Hague and David Cameron state in The Marsten House all involvement of MI6 in the violence in Ukraine.

Is British taxpayer money being spent to help to install a violent neo-Nazi government that burns people alive?

And is this being done because Russia is helping Syria to resist the Bohemian Grove/Wall Street/City of London/IMF satanist cabal taking total control of the Middle East and Caspian, as they planned to after executing the inside job 9/11?

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