
Wednesday, May 21, 2014


On 28th June 1914 Arch Duke Ferdinand was assassinated by Freemasons in a British/Freemasonic plot. This was the result of decades of manipulation by British and Freemasonic circles for a large war. The aim of the plot was to destroy the Central European powers to create a power vacuum. According to Christian Rakovsky, that vacuum was supposed to be filled by Trotsky exporting Communism from Russia, but Lenin and Stalin destroyed this plan when Trotsky fell seriously ill and Stalin seized power. The power vacuum in Central Europe was instead filled with the first attempt at world government, The League of Nations.

This has been erased from history.

100 years to the day of this assassination, 28th June 2014 is fast approaching, 5 weeks on Saturday.

Earlier this year I proposed a demo outside Freemason's Hall in Great Queen Street, London on 28th June. As this would be static there would be no need for permission. There appears to be a useful space for a static demo just across the road from the hall. And there is The Freemasons Arms just around the corner for a pint or two afterwards (or before).

But there may be a problem in that Kaiser Wilhelm II wrote in his memoirs that he was told that it was The Grand Orient branch of Freemasonry wot dunnit, not The United Grand Lodge of England. And to make things more murky, at the time of the assassination UGLE and Grand Orient had a schism (though how real or superficial this was is up for debate). But before this, Giuseppe Mazzini, who is responsible for all the anarchy and terror in Europe in the middle to late 19th century, was a British Intelligence agent but also Grand Master of The Grand Orient. Mazzini created an umbrella of nationalist Young organisations, such as Young Russia and Young Germany, with the aim of destabilising empires other than the British Empire. The assassins of Arch Duke Ferdinand were Freemasons but also members of Young Bosnia.

If you want to demo then do so. I have just put the idea out there. But I am not yet sure whether it would be 100% valid (should the demo be outside a Grand Orient lodge instead?), or that well attended, from the responses (or non) I have received (or not).

But it could bring attention to the role of Freemasonry in World War 1.

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