
Sunday, May 18, 2014


Associated Press has reported that Norway's former Ambassador to the USA, Wegger Stroemmen, was given "a verbal lashing" by President Obama's then Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, when it was announced that Obama had won The Nobel Peace Prize.
A senior Norwegian diplomat says his country's former ambassador to the United States was given a verbal lashing by Barack Obama's chief of staff when the president was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009.

Morten Wetland said Thursday the ambassador, Wegger Stroemmen, was approached by Rahm Emanuel, now Chicago's mayor, who accused Norway of "fawning" to the newly elected U.S. leader.

Wetland, the Norwegian ambassador to the United Nations at the time, told The Associated Press he did not witness the dressing down but said there was an air of embarrassment in Washington that Obama had been given the award so early in his presidency.

[source : Norway diplomat: Obama aide irked by peace prize, Yahoo,, 15th May 2014]

So we have to ask why would Emanuel be so furious at his boss being awarded The Nobel Peace Prize?

Emanuel is accused of being a Mossad agent, his father having served in the IDF, and Rahm was implicated in several espionage activities on Bill Clinton.

But it was during Clinton's presidency that Israel began to prepare the plans for the wars we have seen since 9/11.

In 1996 a cabal of rabid Zionists wrote A Clean Break suggesting "engaging", i.e. war on, Iraq, Iran, Syria and Lebanon.

In 1998 another cabal of rabid Zionists, very closely related to the A Clean Break cabal, formed The Project for a New American Century (PNAC). One of their first actions was to write to then President Bill Clinton to demand war on Iraq. Two years later PNAC published Rebuilding America's Defenses in which PNAC suggested:
1. Iraq and Iran were the most dangerous threats to US national security;
2. the USA should go on a global wamongering rampage to assert its hegemony;
3. to enable point 2., "a new Pearl Harbor" would be required to rouse support for this global warmongering rampage.

PNAC member, and signatory of the aforementioned PNAC letter to Clinton, Jeb Bush swung the 2000 Presidential election in favour of his brother George when, as Governor of Florida, he decided that the sunshine state, after initially voting for Gore, would instead support W.

On 9/11 several very, very powerful members of PNAC were in very, very powerful positions in the Bush administration, such as VP and numbers 1 and 2 in the Department of Defense, as very, very suspiciously, W was in Florida reading a book, upside down, about a pet goat, as the US military was AWOL while 4 alleged passenger planes were hijacked to fly unimpeded for nearly 2 hours before flying into the WTC and even...can you believe this...THE PENTAGON?!

Shortly after this blatant, in-your-face, slap-you-in-the-face-with-a-wet-haddock, kick-you-in-the-nuts inside job, General Wesley Clark was told of a plan for war on seven nations in five years. Four of those nations were named in A Clean Break. The other 3 were Libya, Sudan and Somalia. Clark believes that after 9/11 there was a US foreign policy coup, and the names he mentioned were all high ranking members of PNAC: VP Cheney; and numbers 1 and 2 in the Department of Defense, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz.

Note that of these 7 nations named to Clark;
1. Clark was initially told that only Iraq was going to be attacked, and this was at a time when evidence on Iraq's guilt was very, very thin, it if existed at all. So how did the other 6 become targets?;
2. no evidence to incriminate any of the other 6 nations has ever been put forward, except Iran, and even then the case was laughed out of court.

Since 9/11 we have seen wars on :
1. Afghanistan - but that was to kick out the Taliban who had demanded too much for transit fees for fossil fuels being transported across their turf, but who had also committed the ultimate sin of eradicating opium farming...but NATO has gradually restored opium harvests to record levels. Osama bin Laden died around New Year 2002 from Marfan Syndrome;
2. Iraq - the war on Afghanistan gave the warmongers time to build a case and a coalition for war on Iraq. The main lies were that Iraq was involved in 9/11 and had WMDs aimed at all our backyard barbecues.
3. Lebanon - Israel engineered this war in 2006 by sending IDF into areas known to be controlled by Hezbollah. The IDF were killed, and Israel knew this but pretended not to and demanded the return of the soldiers. Israel then began war on Hezbollah.

There was then a lull in war. The general public were sick of wars, so a Plan B was enabled which involved Saudi Arabia, with the green light from the USA and Israel, which also implicates the UK, unleashing cutthroat Jihadis onto some of the nations named to Clark. But to give them cover as 'freedom fighters' The Arab Spring was engineered by the CIA/US State Department.

4. Libya - in 2011 the UN began to accuse Gaddafi of killing protesters. But who were these 'protesters'? They were al Qaeda-types, veterans of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq against the USA! One of their leaders was actually renditioned and tortured! You could not make this stuff up! So the UN passed UN SCR 1973 to stop Gaddafi killing these 'protesters', but this quickly turned into a Get-Gadaffi campaign, urged on by even The Guardian. British Special Forces assisted the Jihadis on the ground while NATO temporarily became the Al Qaeda Air Force.
5. After Libya, the Jihadis and weapons looted from Libya's arsenal were smuggled into Syria. But before this, former French foreign minister Roland Dumas was asked in 2009 by the UK to draw up a plan to smuggle Jihadis into Syria.

And during this time frame, Francesco Cossiga stated in November 2007 in Corriere Della Sera that virtually all the world's intelligence agencies know that Israel did 9/11.

And The Truth Serum Report of the Year 2012 stated that President Obama, General Dempsey and other powerful Americans were considering going public on 9/11.

In summer last year we saw the very worst of humanity. Due to the Syrian rebels losing the important logistics hub of al Qusair, they began to suffer defeat after defeat after defeat. In response to these defeats they began to exact bloody revenge on the Syrian people. One notable atrocity was at al Duvair. Prince Bandar threatened Putin to dump Assad or Bandar would unleash hell on earth in Syria. Putin rejected this lovely, heartwarming offer. And so, on 21st August news began to come through that thousands of people, including many children, had been massacred by Assad at al Ghouta by chemical weapons. NATO media went berserk and accused Assad. But Assad was easily winning with conventional weapons, UN inspectors were just down the road, and using chemical weapons was exactly what the rebels and their backers wanted. But, the rebels needed the massacre, had chemical weapons, and had threatened to use them to get what they wanted. And Bandar had threatened such a massacre just weeks before! We nearly went to war. But Ed Miliband stopped it. As a consequence Miliband and his late father were attacked in the NATO media.

Due to the Marsten House not voting for war, President Obama couldn't go it alone, so there was no war on Syria.

President Obama has also worked for a diplomatic solution to Iran's peaceful nuclear power program, over the warmongering cries and propaganda from Israel

Due to Obama backing out of war on Syria, and seeking peace with Iran, The Emergency Committee for Israel released a video attacking President Obama.

PNAC was established by Bill Kristol.

But so was the ECI!

This reported tirade by Emanuel adds one more piece of evidence to support the thesis that it was Israel that did 9/11 to implement the plan for war revealed to General Wesley Clark. The last thing the warmongers needed was Obama being awarded a Nobel Peace Prize. And Obama couldn't really not accept it.

But by this time The Redirection had been agreed, and training for The Arab Spring was just being arranged.

So this also shows that the plan was to instigate Jihadi uprisings in particular Arab nations and for NATO to act as their air force, bombing nation after nation in a series of 'humanitarian' interventions.

But in Syria the warmongers have been defeated.

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