
Sunday, May 18, 2014


In Red Symphony, Christian Rakovsky accuses FDR of wittingly being part of a conspiracy.
Although the power of money is political power, but before that it had only been used indirectly, but now the power of money was to be transformed into direct power. The man through whom they made use of such power was Franklin Roosevelt. Have you understood? Take note of the following: In that year 1929, the first year of the American revolution. In February Trotsky leaves Russia; the crash takes place in October… The financing of Hitler is agreed in July, 1929. You think that all this was by chance? The four years of the rule of Hoover were used for the preparation of the seizure of power in the United States and the USSR; there by means of a financial revolution, and here with the help of war and the defeat which was to follow. Could some good novel with great imagination be more obvious to you? You can understand that the execution of the plan on such a scale requires a special man, who can direct the executive power in the United States, who has been predetermined to be the organizing and deciding force. That man was Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt. And permit me to say that this two-sexed being is not simply irony. He had to avoid any possible Delilah.

...I do not know if he is one of “Them,” or is only subject to “Them.” What more do you want? I think that he was conscious of his mission, but cannot assert whether he obeyed under duress of blackmail or he was one of those who rule; it is true that he carried out his mission, realized all the actions which had been assigned to him accurately. Do not ask me more, as I do not know any more.

I have ignored Red Symphony for a while, but am slowly beginning to look at it again. The information in Red Symphony does explain a lot; Trotsky's rapid rise; Trotsky's journey from the USA to Russia in 1917. There are one or two questions, but generally it is very interesting, and follows/supports the thesis that both Hitler and Stalin were created by Wall Street for a world war. However, whereas Rakovsky states that Hitler was supposed to only take out Stalin but had become a threat due to his monetary policies, I would suggest that both were deliberately created with the intention of enticing both into a world war in which the USA would be embroiled for longer than during World War 1 and from the chaos a world government would be implemented. The reason for this was because WW1 did not produce a world government controlled by the British/Freemasonry because the USA voted out of The League of Nations. Hence a longer, bloodier and more destructive world war would be required, one that the USA would be embroiled in from the start, to suffer many, many more casualties to convince or persuade Americans that they should sign up to a world government.

But regarding FDR, when he was first elected there was a definite coup attempt against him run by Wall Street, specifically Morgan and John J Raskob. FDR allowed Ferdinand Pecora to continue his commission's investigation into Wall Street.

But here is the curious thing about that and other related investigations: although Wall Street was found to be running a plot against FDR, nobody was arrested and charged for treason!

Rakovsky claimed to be high up in this conspiracy, high enough to:
1. be aware that such a conspiracy existed;
2. be entrusted with implementing a part of the conspiracy;

but not be high enough as to know who was in the inner circle.

And if he was high but not the highest then can we be sure that he knew the whole plan?

Rakovsky talks at length about implementing Communism worldwide. Stalin had become a threat to Rakovsky's masters because Stalin did not want to expand Communism across the globe. Lenin too was a threat because of the same reason. According to Rakovsky, after WW1 Trotsky was supposed to be leader of a Communist Russia and transport Communism into Germany, but both Lenin and Stalin got in the way.

But despite Stalin being such a threat he was still wooed by Wall Street, particularly Harriman, and after WW2 was entrusted with "the bomb".

FDR gave Stalin virtually everything he wanted in Lend-Lease. And FDR appointed George C Marshall as Chief of Staff of the US Army, over many Generals with much more experience. Marshall is seriously implicated in allowing the Pearl Harbour attack on 7th December 1941 to occur, and Marshall would go on to manipulate the Chinese Civil War so that Mao Tse Tung and the Communists would win.

Can all this be reconciled?

It would explain why FDR cooperated with Stalin so much, even calling Stalin "Uncle Joe".

Unless Red Symphony is British Intelligence bullshit. It was first published in 1952 and written by Josif Maksimovitch Landowsky. But who is he? The story of how the manuscripts were first written, found and translated is curious. Apparently they were found on a dead man, the author. So who can back up their origin?

But they do provide a lot of information, a lot of which seems credible in my view.

One thing that has changed my mind today is that Stalin did not implement a famine, the Holodomor, against Ukraine in 1933. I listened to Webster Tarpley's interview of French Historian Annie Lacroix-Riz on his World Crisis Radio.

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