
Saturday, May 17, 2014


Why is it that after 3 years of an alleged 'civil war' in Syria, President Bashar al Assad is still in power?

Is it because this 'civil war' is not a 'civil war', but is instead an illegal invasion of NATO proxy cutthroat Jihadis as part of an amended plan of wars in North Africa and the Middle East which the inside Ziojob 9/11 was designed to kick off?

Is it because the real true people of Syria support Assad?

The Washington Post has been very quiet on Syria for the last few months. During the summer of 2013 there were at least 2 editorials per week literally demanding war on Syria. But now such editorials appear about once a month, if that. The latest editorial demanding war on Syria cites evidence from the totally unbiased and reliable intelligence agencies of the USA, France and the UK before suggesting war.
...Meanwhile, British, French and U.S. intelligence analysts have concluded that Syria is probably hiding part of its arsenal that it failed to declare, including stocks of sarin and mustard gas, according to news reports . State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki confirmed last week that the United States has been skeptical about whether Assad has revealed the extent of Syria’s chemical weapons stockpile.

...There are, of course, many actions Mr. Obama could take to punish Syria for its use of chemical weapons and to prevent their further deployment. He could begin by granting the opposition’s request for antiaircraft missiles to use against the helicopters that are dropping chlorine bombs. He could revive his plan to launch U.S. military strikes against Syrian infrastructure that supports those attacks.

In reality, Mr. Assad is being allowed to disregard his chemical weapons commitment with impunity not because there’s nothing the United States can do but because Mr. Obama chooses to do nothing.

[source : Mr. Obama is choosing not to act on Syria, Editorial, The Washington Post,, 16th May 2014]

NB the use of Mr., not the more respectful President.

I still firmly believe that President Obama is not supposed to be in The White House. The pro-Israel, pro-fascism, pro-war Mitt Romney is. President Obama's Nobel peace prize is a pair of lead boots to the warmongers. They did 9/11. They want Totaler Krieg. But they can't get it. Hence dastardly tricks like whatever really happened at Ghouta in August last year. And before that there was Khan al Assal. And before that al Houla. And before that there was...take your pick.

The rebels need large scale overt military assistance. But they ain't gonna get it with President Obama.

Homs was finally liberated last week. Aleppo is under siege by the rebels, but the NATO media is reporting it like Assad would willfully and deliberately cease all water supply to the city of Aleppo, thus risking the lives of millions of Syrians, and potentially losing all the support that he has from the true Syrian people!


Anyway, there is not long to go now in Syria. I hope I played a part in stopping war on Syria last year.

Victory to Syria against the warmongering weirdo satanist Bohemian Grove/NATO/IMF/Wall Street/City of London creepy fascist scum, who use our tax for their megalomaniac aims!

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