
Sunday, May 11, 2014


In response to the revelations of spying last year new laws were supposed to rein in the NSA and put them on a very, very, very tight leash.

But now?

Congress is bending over and taking it off the NSA.

Was this expected?


So what does this imply about Ed Snowden's star appearance on the front pages of The Guardian?

And yes, that's the same Guardian that:
1. has supported all the wars on the nations named to General Wesley Clark and has not once mentioned the plan revealed to Clark despite it being easily available on Youtube;
2. pushed mass genocide at Copenhagen in 2009;
3. is rabidly Russo-, and particularly Putin-, phobic, and supported Rothschild gimp and jailbird embezzler Mikhail Khordokovsky, and other anti-Putin oligarchs such as Berezovsky;
4. supported war on Syria and consistently accused Assad of Ghouta, not once considering the rebels as culprits despite an abundance of evidence that they had the means and motive;
5. cried with joy at Syria relinquishing its chemical weapons without once mentioning Israel's vastly superior and much more horrific arsenal of chemical, biological and even nuclear weapons;
6. portrayed the violent NATO-sponsored neo-Nazi coup in Ukraine as a peaceful, bloodless uprising of downtrodden Ukrainians chasing out their tyrannical Russophile government, when since the coup Ukraine has been handed over to the IMF, neo-Nazis are now in power, and their supporters feel confident enough to burn 50 people alive and beat others to death, and to shoot unarmed civilians.

And this is just the tip of the NATO media iceberg. Underneath the facade of our media lies a cabal loyal to weirdo Bohemian Grove satanists who are implementing a world governing apparatus through the WTO, IMF, UN, EU.

So I ask again: why was Ed Snowden allowed to appear on the front page of The Guardian for weeks last summer? Was Tony Gosling? Was Alex Jones? Webster Tarpley? David Icke? Anyone with any sort of clue about current affairs?


But what has been the result of Snowden's revelations?

Well, at the time they appeared to put immense pressure on Obama to do a U turn to state that Assad had used chemical weapons and crossed his now famous 'red line'. But even then a spokesman said that, not Obama.

But since then?

No protests in the streets. No riots. No arson. No police helicopters shot out of the skies.

But what would happen if sex was banned?


You see, people don't care.

They really don't care about things like 9/11 and World War One and Palestine and Ukraine and Syria and peace and freedom. All they know and care about is what The Sun or The Guardian or The Daily Mirror or the BBC tells them. And they all say that al Qaeda did 9/11 and are now in Syria training British Jihadis to come back here to blow us all up

They really don't care. They don't look because they don't want to know. And when they are told then they still don't want to know, or help, and in some cases even ostracise you.

But this blog is the only place on t'ínternet that covers the facts that:
1. MI5 was allowing Micheal Adebalajo to preach Jihad on the streets of Woolwich;
2. Adebalajo was allowed to do this to provide recruits for the British-supported Saudi-sponsored Jihad against Syria;
3. former French foreign minister Roland Dumas was asked in 2009 by British spies to smuggle Jihadis into Syria...2 years before it kicked off in Syria;
4. while (not Sir) Andrew Parker now somehow keeps his face straight as he tells our lovestruck, besotted MPs that Syria is now the most dangerous place on earth and the biggest threat to British national security because of those Adebalajo-inspired Jihadis in Syria!!


So to me, this gutting of the USA Freedom Act was very easily predictable and should come as no surprise.

Thus Snowden has just made the masses all aware that they are being spied on, every millisecond of the day, and the people don't care, and are even thankful for it, because to the masses al Qaeda is training Jihadis in Syria to blow us all up so the spies need all the surveillance power available.

In the words of Earth, Wind & Fire: That's the way of the world.

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