
Monday, June 23, 2014


Last weekend The Butcher of Baghdad, Tony Blair, wrote an 'essay' on his website which claimed that he was not to blame for the new crisis in Iraq, that the war on Syria is to blame and that we should bomb everywhere in the whole wide world and employ his foundation to teach the world to love each other.

The FT has today allowed Blair to spew all over us again.

Blair once again blames the war in Syria.

We cannot ignore the fact that Isis, the jihadist group advancing across Iraq, rebuilt itself and organised the Iraq operation from the chaos in Syria. Isis and other al-Qaeda-type groups in Iraq were flat on their back four years ago, having been comprehensively beaten by a combination of US and UK forces and Sunni tribes. The civil war in Syria allowed them to get back on their feet.

[source : Tony Blair, Removing Saddam Hussein did not cause this crisis, FT,, 22nd June 2014]

This is absolutely true.

But Blair goes no further on this by not asking questions such as, why is there a war in Syria in the first place?

The war in Syria was foretold years before it occured in an article by Seymour Hersh entitled The Redirection published in New Yorker Magazine. Hersh stated that Israel, the USA and Saudi Arabia had reached an agreement to unleash cutthroat Jihadis onto Iran, Syria and Lebanon. However, Hersh did not state the role that this horrific decision played in the wider scheme of things.

As this blog has stated many, many times, shortly after the inside job 9/11 General Wesley Clark was told of a plan for totaler krieg on seven nations in five years. The seven nations were:

The war on Iraq started in 2003. So taking that as the start of this plan being implemented, four years later in 2007 just 2 of those nations had been attacked: Saddam Hussein was ousted; but in Lebanon Israel failed to destroy Hezbollah.

So by 2007 this plan was moribund.

Thus this Plan B of unleashing cutthroat Jihadis onto several nations named to Clark was executed.

The former French foreign minister Roland Dumas was asked by nice Great Britain to help to smuggle cutthroat Jihadis into Syria. And MI5 allowed extremist preachers such as Michael Adebalajo to preach Jihad against President Assad to create a constant supply of willing Jihadis to go to Syria, to join, fight and train alongside al Qaeda in Syria against Assad.

So what does Blair say about this? Blair laments the decision not to bomb Syria, but then cites these Adebalajo-inspired Jihadis as "a real threat to our national security".
So the first point is that non-intervention is also a decision with consequences. In the case of Syria those consequences have been dire, and as security chiefs in the UK and Europe are warning, they pose a real threat to our security.

Next, Blair addresses the Arab Spring as if it was bound to occur no matter what happened. But as shown above, Blair makes massive omissions.

The Arab Spring was not a guaranteed event. And when it did happen it happened with very significant assistance from the USA!!

So why would the USA engineer and sponsor The Arab Spring?

The Arab Spring occured in only a few countries : Tunisia and Egypt first, then Libya, then Syria.

Isn't it curious that The Arab Spring occured either side of Libya, and then in Libya, when Libya was one of the targets named to General Wesley Clark?

In Libya the 'peaceful protestors' were actually veterans of the war against the USA in Iraq. They were members of or linked to al Qaeda and other Islamic extremist organisations...AND GADDAFI WAS GIVING THEIR NAMES TO MI6 AND CIA! But The Arab Spring allowed NATO media and politicians to refer to al Qaeda as 'freedom fighters'. NATO became their air force. British Special Forces assisted them on the ground. What was initially a UN resolution to protect civilians turned into a campaign to Get-Gaddafi-at-all-costs.

And after that, Syria.

The same thing happened in Syria as in Libya. International cutthroat Jihadis financed by Saudi Arabia have been wreaking havoc in Syria, slitting the throats of defenceless Syrian children, eating the hearts of their prisoners, and pulling a fast one through a false flag event designed to provoke a large scale military intervention on their behalf by NATO.

So what does Blair say of these cutthroat Jihadis?
The reason we got into such difficulty in Iraq, as in Afghanistan, was precisely because once the dictatorship was removed, extremist Islamist forces then made progress extraordinarily difficult. That is their hideous impact the world over. The fundamental challenge today arises not from the decisions of 2003 or those of 2014. It is the challenge of Islamist extremism and it is global.

Again, no mention that the rise of Islamic extremism was first nurtured in Londonistan through the Covenant of Security, nor more recently through The Redirection in which Saudi Arabia would finance and unleash a new wave of cutthroat Jihadis to destroy a handful of nations named to General Wesley Clark.

So what is Blair's solution?
Short term, we have to do what we can to rescue the situation in Iraq and Syria. In Iraq, without inclusive government this will be hard to do. The US is right in demanding political change as the price of its engagement. In Syria, an outright win for either side is no longer sensible; the majority of Syrians just want the torment to end.

Long term, we have to have the right mixture of soft and hard power responses, which fights this extremism wherever it is conducting its terror campaigns. We must deal with the root cause of the problem which lies in the formal and informal systems that educate young people in a closed-minded approach to religion and culture.

Nothing too specific there, but there is a call to stop the radical education of young people. If this means shutting down Saudi Arabia's global influence then very few would disagree.

However, due to the total lack of truth in this latest dollop of Blair bullshit, we cannot believe that there is any sincerity behind the words.

But what else can you expect from the FT, the mouthpiece of The City of London?

We need a UN resolution to protect us from Tony Blair's lies, half-truths, omissions and distortions.

ps There has been no Arab Spring in Saudi Arabia, but there has been an Arab Spring in nations named to General Wesley Clark leading to calls for military intervention.

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