
Saturday, June 28, 2014


I went to London today.

I was shattered and anti social from lack of sleep due to being zapped, but I still went. In fact, I was that shattered that while slicing some bread for my breakfast toast I cut my hand, that soft patch between my left wrist and my thumb. It took an hour for the bleeding to stop. But I still went to London, trying but failing to sleep most of the journey.

I was looking forward to it since last weekend. I prepared some leaflets. Even bought a megaphone intending to shout down Freemason's Hall.

I got there at 1055...but nobody was there. Three teenage lads were on the door steps of Freemasons Hall, but they could have been cutthroat Jihadis for all I know, and being on my own I wasn't going to risk anything. And the spot I had identified for the protest across the street from the Hall was occupied by a large black cabin for mascara/tanning!

So I walked to Covent Garden, and back.

Still nobody there.

So I walked around the area again, passed the hall. Still nobody there.

So I walked to Covent Garden, distributed some leaflets, then back to the hall.

Still nobody there.

I walked past the hall about 8 times between 1100 and 1130. Nobody there.

I walked through Covent Garden again distributing more leaflets, then back to the hall. Still nobody there.

So I bought a sandwich and walked along the Thames, ate my sandwich, walked towards The Marsten House, distributing a few more leaflets along the way.

I then walked to Buckingham Palace to wave to Liz, then down The Mall, through Admiralty Arch, to find...A MASSIVE EVENT ON GAY PRIDE IN TRAFALGAR SQUARE!!

And not only Trafalgar Square, The Strand and Whitehall were blocked to traffic for a gay pride march.

I immediately decided to make a sharp exit and go home. I was alone, shattered, disillusioned and demoralised.

So what happened in London today was that a protest exposing the Freemasonic role in WW1 was not attended by anyone, but a massive gay pride event that shut down Trafalgar Square, Whitehall and The Strand, celebrating blokes sticking their cocks up other bloke's arses, shut down central London to wildly gay cheers!

I can just see it: when the LGBT element are told that King Edward VII engineered WW1, they boo. But when told that King Edward VII was bisexual, that same LGBT element would no doubt cheer Edward!!

This is one (literally) fucked up nation, obsessed with sex and blokes sticking their cocks up other blokes arses while not giving a fuck about the true origin and purpose of World War 1.

And again, I challenge anyone to write what I write and see what happens. I would love to see how you handle just one night of what I go through when I get zapped. It saps your energy, enthusiasm and confidence.

Today it was just me, on my own, absolutely cream crackered from being zapped, versus not only Freenasonry, but also the police, the system and their electromagnetic weapons.

So stuff I learned today:
1. very few people read this blog, or if not then they can't be bothered except to click their mouse, or there isn't the PR or street cred yet;
2. nice Great Britain is much more concerned with sex and blokes sticking their cocks up other blokes arses than the Freemasonic origins of WW1, which was engineered by the bisexual King Edward VII;
3. I'm on my own.

Update : 9pm on a Saturday and I'm off to bed.

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