
Tuesday, June 03, 2014


Oliver Stone's film JFK set me on this journey that I have been on since 1992. And for that I am grateful. However, now that it is 2014, Stone's film seems to stop at 'the Cubans', ignoring a much higher level conspiracy.

And I was seriously disappointed by Stone's World Trade Center, which provokes emotions of revenge for rather than investigation into 9/11.

Here is Stone being interviewed by Luke Rudkowski. Note how Stone steers Luke's question into 9/11 onto Bush, as if Bush should be blamed for 9/11 and the subsequent wars, when we know for a fact that PNAC played a much more significant role, even engineering Bush's election in the first place through PNAC member Jeb Bush handing Florida to W!!

This interview was made while Stone was promoting his book The Untold History of The United States.

So what does Webster Tarpley have to say about this book?

I began this journey not knowing that much about American history. All I knew was that something happened in 1776, there was a war/revolution, and a new country was born a few years later. Stone's JFK introduced me to Castro/Cuban Missile Crisis, and from there the presidents of the USA...and the presence and influence of Freemasonry in the USA. And from there the works on American history and the British Empire by LPAC/EIR and Webster Tarpley. And it is from these last three that I am not as anti-FDR as most. I have my doubts, such as why did FDR appoint George C Marshall, but most have decayed.

But back to Snowden.

The Snowden Revelations were brought to us by The Guardian. And yes that's the same anti-Russia, anti-Assad, anti-truth, pro-lies, pro-NATO, pro-Israel, pro-cutthroat Jihadi, pro-Ukraine neo-Nazi The Guardian that:
1. supported convicted embezzler and Rothschild gimp Mikhail Khordokovsky by publishing an editorial in his name, and gave Boris Berezovsky significant space to spew his unique anti-Putinism;
2. supported mass genocide at Copenhagen in 2009;
3. immediately and consistently accused Assad of the horrific event at Ghouta on 21st August last year, willfully, unprofessionally and criminally ignoring all evidence that the rebels were behind it, the rebels having chemical weapons, the rebels filming and testing their chemical weapons on live animals, the rebels issuing threats of using chemical weapons to get what they wanted, and their paymaster Prince Bandar even threatening Putin that Bandar would unleash hell on earth in Syria if Putin didn't dump Assad;
4. cried with joy when Assad agreed to relinquish Syria's chemical weapons without once mentioning Israel's more powerful, more destructive and more horrific stockpile of not only chemical but also biological and even nuclear weapons;
5. portrayed the recent events in Ukraine as a romantic uprising of downtrodden Ukrainians chasing away a corrupt Russophile tyranny, when in fact there was a violent NATO-sponsored neo-Nazi coup leading to neo-Nazis occupying powerful positions in the junta, their supporters burning approximately 50 people alive while shooting at and beating to death survivors, the IMF now taking control of the economy, and protests in East Ukraine now being put down with fighter jets, cluster bombs, tanks and artillery.

For 2 months last year Ed Snowden was on the front page of The Guardian, his words twisted to imply that President Obama personally read all out emails, texts, tweets, and even had the time to personally listen in on all our phone calls. However, this 'scandal' was the last in a series of scandals designed to pressure Obama into bombing Syria.

One hero of The Guardian seems to be Luke Harding. Harding was banned from Russia, spent time in Syria writing anti-Assad material, and was one of those who pushed the idea of a romantic-uprising in Ukraine. Curiously, Harding said sweet FA about the burning alive of approximately 50 people in Odessa on his twitter account. But he did write a series of tweets in which he predicted that Russia would invade, occupy and annex East Ukraine.

Besides this apparent service to NATO, Harding also wrote a book on Ed Snowden. And now the apparent 9/11 gatekeeper Oliver Stone will be using Harding's book on Snowden as a source for his film on Snowden.

Sadly, I'm not sure that we are going to get 'the truth'.

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