
Tuesday, June 24, 2014


This is what Theresa May, the Home Secretary, said today in a speech at The Mansion House:
"The real problem is not that we have built an over-mighty state but that the state is finding it harder to fulfil its most basic duty, which is to protect the public. That is why I have said before and go on saying that we need to make changes to the law to maintain the capabilities we need."

[source : Home secretary denies security services engaged in mass surveillance, The Guardian,, 24th Jun 2014]

The Guardian report, as of 2120 24th June 2014, does not mention May referring to Syria or Iraq.

However, a BBC report does:
"Considerable" threats to UK security were developing with the emergence of militant group Isis, the collapse of Syria, the activities of Boko Haram in Nigeria, and the "expanding scope" of cyber crime, the home secretary said.

[source : Theresa May: There is no surveillance state, BBC,, 24th June 2014]

Last year the three stooges, the heads of MI5, MI6 and GCHQ, sat before a coven of lovestruck, besotted MPs and some how kept their faces straight as they sobbed, lower lips quivering, that Ed Snowden had aided the enemy al Qaeda.

But for decades London has been known as Londonistan because of The Covenant of Security that MI5 had with Islamic terrorists who based their HQs in London beyond arrest by the foreign governments. Osama bin Laden lived in Wembley, and when several countries offered to hand him over we rejected the offer. He went on to allegedly do 9/11, but that's for another time.

But last year this Faustian pact was horrifically exposed when Michael Adebalajo butchered Lee Rigby to death. At the time Adebalajo was under surveillance by MI5 and was being harassed by them into becoming a spy for them, while they allowed Adebalajo to preach Jihad against President Assad of Syria. In 2009 the former French foreign minister Roland Dumas was asked by Great Britain to smuggle Jihadis into Syria. This was part of The Redirection reported by Seymour Hersh in which the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia had agreed to unleash cutthroat Jihadis onto several nations that had been named to General Wesley Clark shortly after 9/11. So Adebalajo's role was to help to create a constant supply of willing recruits for the Jihadi pipeline into Syria that Dumas was asked to create, but someone else created instead.

But as we saw recently, the Syrian Jihadis have had their butts kicked in Syria and decided to invade Iraq where they have been executing en masse military personnel and civilians and enriching themselves by grabbing oil fields and military hardware.

And as reported in The Daily Telegraph just 2 days ago, this invasion was known of by NATO in February!!


So let's get this straight:
1. MI5 has had a Covenant of Security with the Islamic terrorists for decades;
2. MI5 have been allowing preachers such as Michael Adebalajo to preach Jihad against President Assad of Syria to create a constant supply of willing Jihadis to go to Syria and wage Jihad against President Assad;
3. But Assad has kicked their butts, so we let them invade Iraq instead, to pillage and execute en masse anything that moves;
4. And now those same Jihadis are being cited as the reason why the surveillance state needs to become more powerful and intrusive to 'protect' us!!

May is correct. The state is not fulfilling its most basic duty in protecting us. The state is deliberately creating the monsters we are supposed to be scared of and seek protection from the state.

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