
Wednesday, July 09, 2014


Here is the one tweet that I can find on the twitters of Hague and the FCO on the ongoing war on Gaza:

Note that this tweet:
1. Explicitly condemns "rocket attacks on #Israel";
2. Expresses that Hague is "deeply concerned by escalation of violence in #Israel & #Gaza".

The link referred to in the tweet contains these quotes from Hague:
I am deeply concerned by the recent escalation of violence in Gaza and southern Israel. I condemn the firing of rockets into Israel by Gaza-based militants. The UK calls on Hamas and other militant groups to stop these attacks. The people of Israel have the right to live without constant fear for their security; the people of Gaza also have the right to live in peace.

All sides must do their utmost to act with restraint and avoid the loss of innocent life. I was deeply saddened to hear there have already been civilian injuries.

All sides have a responsibility to respect in full the November 2012 ceasefire, and to address the underlying causes of conflict and instability in Gaza. A dangerous escalation is in no one’s interest, and would be harmful to prospects for the Middle East Peace Process.

In neither the tweet or the quotes does Hague explicitly condemn Israel for bombing civilians in Gaza yet he is prepared to explicitly mention by name Hamas who so far have only fired rockets and not killed anyone. And remember, a splinter of ISIS claimed responsibility for killing those 3 Israeli teenagers. Neither Netanyahu, the NATO media nor even RT have mentioned this. Netanyahu has still not provided any evidence that Hamas was involved in any way in the murder and/or abduction of those 3 Israeli teenagers.

As of 2100 BST the body count in Gaza is over 40 with many civilians dead, including children.

Yet as of 2100 BST there has still not been any explicit condemnation of the Israeli death machine on its relentless bloodlust in an ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

So to summarise:
1. Israel has killed over 40 people, many of whom were civilians and children;
2. Hamas has fired rcokets but not killed anyone from them;
3. yet Hague explicitly condemns Hamas.

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