
Friday, July 25, 2014


In late August last year there was some kind of event in Syria that was designed to provoke a large scale intervention by NATO on behalf of the Syrian rebels. Initial estimates were that approaching 2000 had died, but this was quickly rounded down to several hundred. Gruesome videos of dead children were posted on Youtube, to the screams of "Something must be done!".

But such an event was predicted on this blog weeks before. Such an event was required because the Syrian rebels had begun suffering defeat after defeat after the Syrian Arab Army recaptured al Qusair. This prompted Prince Bandar to go to Moscow to personally threaten the "weird, miserable, sinister, lonely" Putin: either dunp Assad or hell would be unleashed in Syria. Putin refused. And so, on 21st August, Bandar unleashed Hell.

But our politicians were baying for Syrian blood. Something must be done! Something must be done!

Fortunately Putin negotiated a deal that Syria would relinquish its stockpile of chemical weapons.

The warmongers did not get their war. They were and still are pretty pissed off. They did 9/11 to take out leaders like Assad, and they have failed and are now shitting their pants. Can't you smell them? I can.

But the warmongers, including The Guardian, cited Responsibility to Protect, or R2P, to push for war on Syria. And they continue to do so.

Yet for the last two weeks Gaza has been pummeled to dust, and rivers of blood run through the streets and on the beaches.

I also predicted this war on Gaza. I had a baaaaaaad feeling about this one. And so far it has been what I feared. And from the current rhetoric from the Devil Netanyahu and Lieberman this war will be at least as bad as Operation Cast Lead.

But where are the calls for R2P Gaza? Not to be heard in The Martsen House.

Instead we can expect more war crimes, more dead children.

Here lies Gaza. RIP.

It could and should be R2P Gaza.

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