
Sunday, July 27, 2014


Of course they did.

And Berezovsky too.

It's their thing. Their job.

That's why it has taken nearly 8 years of British stalling and stalling and stalling, and one failed false flag at Ghouta killing hundreds of Syrian children to get a pubic inquiry into the death of Alexander Litvinenko established, and why any possible role played by MI6 in his death will not be examined.

First it was Alexander's father Walter. He accused Putin but now accuses Great Britain.

And now Alexander's brother Maxim. He also accused Putin but he too now accuses Great Britain.
Today Maxim, 32, the half-brother of Alexander and a chef by trade who was left almost penniless when his restaurant business collapsed, is now working for a company which helps wealthy Russians invest in the tax haven of San Marino.

And as his business fortunes have changed so has his story.

He told The Mail on Sunday yesterday in the Italian city of Rimini where he now lives: ‘It could have been the English, the Israelis, the Americans. Why would British secret services want my brother dead? To build public opinion against Putin.’

He claims MI6, who had worked with Litvinenko after he defected to the West, had uncovered his brother’s plans to return to Russia.

His brother ‘knew all sorts of things’ about Russian dissidents granted asylum in the UK – ‘things that would make the British and Americans uncomfortable if he returned’.

He denies receiving any financial support or favours from the Russian state, adding: ‘In 2012 I was called by the Russian prosecutor. They suggested the polonium could have been left by anyone, it could have been planted in the urine, the real poison could be thallium and the letter [written by Litvinenko before he died accusing Putin of his murder] could be fake.’

He added Russia had no reason to want his brother dead: ‘He didn’t do spying. He did not know any state secrets. He had a simple job. The state were not interested in him.’

[source : Litvinenko feud as Russian spy's brother says he was killed by British agents, but widow says his claims are 'lies', The Mail on Sunday,, 26th July 2014]

Maxim is saying that Alexander Litvinenko wanted to return to Russia. But Alexander then dies in mysterious circumstances, and Putin is accused.

But what happened to Berezovsky? He too was looking to move back to Russia. But he too then dies in mysterious circumstances. And Putin is again the accused.

At the time of Litvinenko's death, Putin was kicking the Bilderberg oil giants out of Russia, and locking up Rothschild agents like Mikhail Khordokovsky.

Similarly, at the time of Berezovsky's death Putin was and still is backing Assad against the NATO cannibal cutthroat Jihadis after Bilderberg did 9/11 to kick out anti-Israel leaders like Assad, forcing them to run the failed false flag of Ghouta last year.

We have to look at the political circumstances.

Why has this public inquiry been announced at the time MH17 is brought down over East Ukraine, an event Putin was accused of personally, and still without any concrete evidence?

Why has it taken nearly 8 years and a failed false flag at Ghouta involving the alleged deaths of hundreds of Syrian children to get a public inquiry into the death of Alexander Litvinenko?

And why is any possible role of MI6 in his death being excluded from investigation?

And why is some evidence in this 'public' inquiry to be heard in secret?

Cover up, anyone?

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