
Friday, July 25, 2014


Have you ever wondered what it takes to be a leader in the British military?

Particularly in Afghanistan, where our search for bin Laden failed so spectacularly while the opium harvest increased so successfully?

Well, here is a classic example of the psychology of British military leadership:
Col. Richard Kemp, the former commander of all British forces in Afghanistan, is in Israel this week to lend support to the military campaign in Gaza and to take on take on detractors who claim the Israeli army is perpetrating war crimes there.

“No other army in the world has ever done more than Israel is doing now to save the lives of innocent civilians in a combat zone,” Kemp said in an interview with Channel 2 News, adding that when world leaders demand Israel do more, “perhaps Israel should ask what more it can do.”

Having served in both Iraq and Afghanistan, Kemp is intimately familiar with exactly the kind of enemy Israel is facing, and the environment in which it is fighting.

[source : British Commander: IDF Most Moral Army World Has Ever Known, Israel Today,, 24th July2014]

"Saving the lives of innocent civilians"?

This coming weekend the death toll in the latest shooting-fish-in-a-barrel war in Gaza will probably exceed 1000, MOST OF WHOM WILL BE CIVILIANS!!

All I can suggest is, do not have an Israeli doctor!

And if you have ever wondered why Gaza resembles The Warsaw Ghetto, the Zionists and the Nazis collaborated before and during World War 2. The Nazis wanted Jews out of Germany, and the Zionists wanted those Jews in Palestine. But in addition, the Zionists only wanted the young and the strong in Palestine. The sick and old could suffer and be used as emotional blackmail later.

These are not my words.

They are the words and actions of Zionists.

And returning to British military leadership, Palestine was under British military leadership until the late 1940's. After WW2 the Zionists were massacring not only Palestinians but also British soldiers. What did the British military leadership do then? NOTHING!! As a result we are now seeing pictures of dead 5 month children of Gaza on our TVs, year after year after year.

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