
Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Two reports in The Daily Mail today are linked by a dare.

The first is, oh dear, not again, yet another female teacher seducing a much younger male student. Apparently two boys went round to their teacher's house on a dare, and, well, you can guess what happens next...

A 32-year-old middle school teacher has been accused of raping a 13-year-old boy after he accepted a 'dare' to contact her and visit her home.

Mary Faith McCormick, a married mother-of-one, was arrested after one of the boy's friends allegedly found semi-nude photos of the teacher on the boy's phone.

Police then carried out an investigation and allegedly uncovered the three-month affair between the teacher and the underage boy.

[source : Married middle school teacher, 32, 'had sex with boy, 13, after he accepted a "dare" to contact her and visit her home', The Daily Mail,, 19th August 2014]

Well. What can I say?

But the second story is by far the more important, and concerns MH17.

You remember MH17, don't you? I think I remember reading something about it in the NATO media, but have heard nothing for weeks. Apparently Russia and/or pro-Russia separatists in Ukraine shot down MH17 with a BUK. That's what it said in the NATO media, so it must be true. After all, they told us Iraq did 9/11 and had WMDs, and that was tr...



That was all bullshit, all that stuff about Iraq and 9/11 and WMDs.

The US State Department said the proof regarding MH17 was on social media. And if Brown Moses is on the case, then I suppose it must still be true. After all, he has still not proved Assad did Ghouta (and he never will).

Ignore the geopolitics for now and for ever more.

Ignore the fact that NATO has reneged on a promise to Russia to not expand, but expand is all it has done, from Checkpoint Charlie to now using bona fide neo Nazis in Ukraine in a violent coup sponsored by the USA with over $5 billion, to eventually bring NATO right to the borders of Russia and Ukraine under IMF control.

Ignore the fact that President Putin is opposing the NATO international cutthroat Jihadis in Syria and supporting President Assad.

Ignore the fact that President Putin is the driving force for an alternative to the bloodsucking IMF/Wall Street/City of London leeches who have sucked the life out of many nation states for decades and kept them underdeveloped.

If Brown Moses finds a video showing a BUK then Russia shot MH17 down.

I'm convinced.

Case closed.

Or is it?

When Russia released radar evidence that MH17 was followed by another smaller aircraft, assumed to be a fighter, MH17 disappeared from the NATO media headlines faster than allegations of paedos in Whitehall (while The Snowden Revelations were still being published). Over a month later we still have not heard or read transcripts of communications of Ukraine Air Traffic Controllers on the day. This has now been raised at the UN Security Council by Russia.

Russia has accused Ukrainian air-traffic control of sending Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 into the conflict zone where it was shot down last month.

The Russian envoy to the UN Security Council has demanded Kiev release all records of its air-traffic controllers' communications with the plane, whose downing is the subject of a major diplomat crisis.

The passenger jet carrying 298 people was hit by a missile the Ukrainian government and its allies say was fired from the rebel-held Donetsk region in eastern Ukraine on July 17.

Russia says there is a lack of proof for this claim and expressed concerns at the UN Security Council over Kiev's refusal to release transcripts of conversations its air traffic controllers had with MH17.

'Nothing is known about the record of talks between Ukrainian flight controllers,' said Russian envoy to the UN, Vitaly Churkin .

'They should produce the records of talks between their flight controllers so that it would be possible to understand why they directed the Malaysian plane into the conflict zone.

[source : Ukrainian air-traffic control sent doomed flight MH17 over the conflict zone in Donetsk region, says Russia, The Daily Mail,, 19th August 2014]

This reports assumes that MH17 was shot down by a missile. We don't even know that. OSCE observers suggest it was shot down by cannon fire. There is a lot that we don't know about MH17. But Ukraine could help by releasing the records of their ATCs from that day.

One comment on The Daily Mail on this story reads:
Always thought it was the Ukraine trying to pin it on the Russians. Prove us all wrong by releasing the recordings. I dare u

But the question I have is this : will Brown Moses find evidence of WMDs in Iraq on social media?

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