
Sunday, August 10, 2014


Richard Herring: how I ra-ra-rescued Rasputin from myth and falsehood

Rasputin was not the philanderer he was made out to be. There is no way that he could have been shagging every royal Russian female. This was just a lie manufactured by the assassins.

And yes, assassins plural.

Because Yusupov was not alone when Rasputin was assassinated.

The truth about Rasputin is this:
1. he was anti-war and was trying to persuade Tsar Nicholas II to pull out of WW1, and had the power to convince Nicholas to do this;
2. Yusupov was part of an Anglophile network in Russia;
3. British/Freemasonry/Jews had been trying to overthrow the Russian monarchy for over a century but each time had failed.
(a) Even though the Tsar was a Freemason he banned Freemasonry because of its revolutionary activities
(b) After this ban there was relative stability in Russia until Alexander II decided to help Abraham Lincoln to defeat the British-allied Confederacy in the British-engineered US Civil War
(c) After 1864 there was a series of failed attempts at assassinating Tsars, all traced back to London
(d) Anglophile Jewish bankers and their agents financed Japan against Russia in 1904/5 and then tried to use the defeat of Russia as a casus belli for revolution, but Schiff agent George Kennan failed and Trotsky and Lenin were exiled.

But after 3 years of fighting in WW1 the Russian people were not revolutionary but disgruntled enough to not oppose the rantings of German agent Lenin, who was assisted by British agent Trotsky (for what other reason would the British release Trotsky at Halifax to take Russia out of the war?), both of whom were financed by Germany and Jacob Schiff, and after a century the British finally got rid of the Romanovs in 1917.

I know this all sounds a bit mad, but you have to understand the international network of the Warburgs and their friends, who due to their nationalities were supposed to be at war with each other, but were instead actually very close, sending their sons to be trained in each others banking houses!!

But back to Rasputin.

Rasputin had the power to persuade Nicholas II to withdraw from WW1. If Russia had withdrew in 1916 then the Schiff-financed revolutions of 1917 would not have occured.

So Rasputin had to be taken out.

And he was.

But Yusupov was not alone. He was ably assisted by British agents Oswald Rayner and John Scales.

Thus the British/Freemasonry/Jews achieved their centuries-long quest.

It would be interesting to know beforehand if Herring mentions Rayner and Scales,

Because if he doesn't then I shall be taking a big bag of rotten tomatoes!!

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