
Sunday, August 24, 2014


I have just sent the following letter to Phil.

I trust that he will have the nerve to reply to it, unlike Jihadi Hague who did not reply to a letter I sent to him earlier this year.

Please feel free to send this verbatim to Hammond, or amend it with any further information or questions that you may have.


Dear Foreign Secretary

On 11th September 2001, The World Trade Centre and The Pentagon were attacked by passenger planes. It is assumed that these planes were hijacked by members of al Qaeda under orders from Osama bin Laden, who at the time was assumed to be hiding in Afghanistan. As a consequence of this attack the USA formed a coalition and invaded Afghanistan on a hunt for bin Laden. After this invasion, we were told that Iraq had also been involved in 9/11, and also had Weapons of Mass Destruction. The USA formed yet another coalition and invaded Iraq in 2003.

But despite years of hunting for bin Laden in Afghanistan, he was not allegedly found until 2011, and allegedly in Pakistan. But what the invasion of Afghanistan did do so successfully was raise the opium harvest to record levels after the Taliban had almost eradicated opium farming. The ruling families of the United Kingdom and The United States of America have been smuggling and trading opium for centuries.

And despite all the confidence shown by political leaders in the United Kingdom and The United States of America that Iraq had WMDs and they knew where they were, over 11 years after invading Iraq we have still not found any WMDs we could call a credible threat to anyone. And again, after all that time, no credible evidence that Iraq was involved in 9/11 has been presented. In other words, we invaded Iraq on a pack of lies.

So why would we invade Iraq based on lies?

Shortly after 9/11, the former Commander of NATO forces in Europe, General Wesley Clark, was told by a Pentagon officer that the USA was going to invade Iraq, even though at the time no evidence had been found linking Iraq to 9/11, and building the case against bin Laden had only just started. A few weeks later Clark met the same officer who told Clark that the USA was going to attack seven nations in five years. Videos of Clark stating this very revealing and historically and politically important experience are easily available on Youtube. MI5 might be able to find one if you ask them nicely.

The seven nations named to Clark were:

The first four of these were named in a document entitled A Clean Break that was written in 1996 for then PM of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu. In addition, Iraq and Iran had been named in Rebuilding America’s Defenses, which was written in 2000 by The Project for a New American Century (PNAC), which interlocked with the authors of A Clean Break and virtually ran the government apparatus of President George W Bush. PNAC and A Clean Break are undeniably Zionist.
We invaded Iraq in 2003. In 2006 Israel started a war on Hezbollah after Syria had been forced to withdraw from Lebanon following the assassination of Rafik Hariri in February 2005. So by 2007 the plan revealed to Clark, for war on seven nations in five years, was moribund. Only two of the seven nations named to Clark had experienced war, and Israel had lost to Hezbollah in 2006.

To continue the war on these nations a Plan B was hatched in early 2007 that was reported by Seymour Hersh in a report entitled The Redirection published in New Yorker Magazine in March 2007. This Plan B, agreed between the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia, involved the latter unleashing extreme Sunni Islamic terrorists onto Syria, Iran and Lebanon. But in order to give these terrorists cover as ‘freedom fighters’, so that they could receive financial, military and political support from NATO, The Arab Spring was engineered by organisations in the USA, such as The National Endowment for Democracy.

These extreme Sunni Islamic terrorists were first unleashed and supported in Libya in 2011. They were members of Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and were assisted by British Special Forces on the ground while NATO provided air cover, bombing a path for them all the way into Tripoli after UN SCR 1973 was completely abused.

Libya was one of those nations named to Clark. Hence the series of wars that was foretold to Clark after 9/11 seems to be being implemented. So Iraq, then Lebanon, and then Libya.

After assassinating Gaddafi, these terrorists and the weapons they looted from the arsenal of the Libyan military were transported to Syria via Lebanon and Turkey.

And this is where it now gets a bit tricky.

Last year the former French foreign minister Roland Dumas told the French Parliament TV channel LCP that in 2009, two years before The Arab Spring kicked off in Syria, he was asked by British officials to devise a plan to smuggle Jihadis into Syria!!

But since 2011, when the Arab Spring kicked off in Syria, the British government have been supporting the rebels, attending Friends of Syria meetings with the sponsors of the terrorists in Syria, Saudi Arabia, and providing ‘non-lethal’ aid to the rebels.

But by 2013 President Bashar al Assad was still in power. And not only that, in June 2013 the war for Syria turned in Assad’s favour when the Syrian Arab Army recaptured al Qusair. Immediately Prince Bandar bin Sultan of Saudi Arabia was sent to Moscow to personally threaten President Putin: if Putin dumped Assad then Saudi Arabia would buy multi-billion dollars’ worth of weapons from iRussia, and allow Russia to operate in the Middle East; if not then Bandar would unleash hell in Syria and Lebanon. Putin rejected the offer. A week after this visit Bandar’s Jihadis attacked the Hezbollah HQ in Beirut, and on 21st August there was an event alleged to have occurred in Ghouta allegedly resulting in the deaths of hundreds of Syrian civilians. This was a false flag attack designed to provoke an overt large scale military intervention by NATO in support of the international cutthroat Jihadis. The NATO media never mentioned that the rebels had been arrested with chemical weapons, had tested and filmed their experiments with chemical weapons, and had issued threats of using their chemical weapons to get what they wanted.

And it has also been reported and stated, particularly by the head of MI5, that hundreds of Britons are in Syria fighting Jihad against Assad. Indeed, the alleged executioner of James Foley is assumed to be British. To provide a continuous fresh supply of new Jihadis for the aim of bringing down Assad, as stated to General Wesley Clark, MI5 have been allowing extremist Islamic preachers to preach Jihad on the streets and in the mosques of London. One such preacher was Michael Adebalajo, the murderer of Lee Rigby. MI5 were trying to recruit Adebalajo but were allowinghim to preach Jihad against Assad!! MI5 have been doing this kind of thing for decades, leading to London being nicknamed Londonistan.

But all this has now led to the outrageous situation in which:
1. Syria and Iraq are now being overrun by this Islamic State entity, bringing Great Britain to the verge of once again fighting war in Iraq but then very likely also Syria, to kick out Assad as per the plan revealed to Clark;
2 British politicians have now given MI5 and GCHQ more power to intrude into our lives because of this threat of the Islamic State that was manufactured by our ‘intelligence ’ agencies.
One other thing I must mention is that during the 1980s a couple of very similar plans were proposed for Iraq that have been attributed to MI6 analyst Bernard Lewis and Oded Yinon, which involved partitioning Iraq into three mini-states: Sunni, Shia and Kurd.

There are a lot of us out here in ordinary Great Britain who will be watching very, very closely what now happens in Iraq.

I have no idea what MI5 and MI6 are telling you directly or indirectly, but this letter has been written to tell you, as an elected representative of the British people, that MI5 and MI6 are in this throatcutting up to their necks. They are directing it, and are doing it not for the British people but for a cabal in The City of London.

So before we go charging into Iraq again, and at the very least bombing Syria, I must tell you that the British people are not stupid. We were burned in 2003. We learned.

Before we take any further military action in Iraq or Syria and relinquish yet more of our privacy and rights, there must be an inquiry into everything in this letter, particularly:
1. the allegation from Roland Dumas that Great Britain began to plan smuggling cutthroat Jihadis into Syria in 2009;
2. Michael Adebalajo and his ilk being allowed by MI5 to preach Jihad on the streets and in the mosques of Great Britain in order to fuel the terrorism in Syria and Iraq that has led to the creation of the IS, and a general Covenant of Security that was agreed with Islamic extremists that they could operate out of London safe from extradition for terrorism but their operations had to coincide with British foreign policy;
3. what do you, David Cameron, William Hague, Mi5 and MI6 know about the plan agreed in 2007 for Saudi Arabia to unleash international cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria, Lebanon and Iran, and when did you and they know it, and whether this is linked to the allegations of Roland Dumas;

Yours truly

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