
Sunday, September 07, 2014


On Friday, the outgoing Sec Gen of NATO, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, announced the creation of this 'spearhead' rapid reaction force, which is designed to deter alleged Russian aggression.

At the beginning of the speech in which this was announced, Rasmussen said:
We have just agreed on a Readiness Action Plan to strengthen NATO’s collective defence. This is a demonstration of our solidarity and our resolve.

The security environment we face is more unpredictable than ever. Russia is attacking Ukraine. Violent extremists are rising in the Middle East. Instability is growing in North Africa.

In these turbulent times, NATO must be prepared to undertake the full range of missions, and to defend Allies against the full range of threats.

[source : Press Conference, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, NATO Conference 2014, Newport, Wales,, 5th September 2014]

So Rasmussen is citing three examples of first alleged aggression, then violence, then instability as the raison d'etre of this 'spearhead' RRF.

Let's examine these three example in some detail, because we will find that the devilish hand of NATO is behind all of them.


The democratically elected government of Ukraine had decided to make a deal with Russia, having been first enticed into a deal with the EU/IMF. Upon making this decision, all hell broke lose in Ukraine: neo Nazis paraded the streets, occupying central Kiev, protests became more and more violent, until eventually the neo Nazis burned government buildings and chased away the government, declaring themselves the new junta. But it turns out that the new government was virtually handpicked by the US State Department's Victoria Nuland, wife of leading Neocon Robert Kagan who co-founded PNAC. And it also turns out that the US had been financing revolution in Ukraine with $5 billion. And it also turns out that the new Prime Minster of the junta, who was handpicked by Nuland, runs a foundation which explicitly lists NATO as a partner. The people in the East of Ukraine saw through the Nazism of the junta and decided to rebel. First in Crimea, which was to be expected due to the Russian port, which inspired other parts of East Ukraine to rebel. NATO has been gradually creeping up to the borders of Russia, hoping that nobody would notice. From Checkpoint Charlie to now Kiev, this NATO-creep has now led to NATO running drills in Ukraine even though Ukraine is not a member of NATO, with talk once again in Kiev in favour of NATO-izing Ukraine.

Russia would understandably be very concerned at this 'aggression' of NATO. Russian troops are in East Ukraine, but as volunteers not under orders. But MI6 and CIA agents are in Kiev under orders of their respective governments. And Nazis from all over the world are in the lawless battalions of the Ukraine military derived from the Nazis who organised and ran the junta.

In other words, there would be no violence in Ukraine if the NATO/EU/IMF powers had accepted the decision of the democratically elected government of Ukraine to sign a deal with Russia. But instead the NATO/EU/IMF powers decided to run a violent neo Nazi coup to grab Ukrainian natural resources, and also cite Russia as the aggressor in order to NATO-ise Ukraine as much as possible.

And this is linked to events in Syria where Russia is backing Assad.

The Middle East

As stated many, many times on this blog, the violence in the Middle East is due to 9/11 and Israel. Shortly after 9/11 General Wesley Clark was told of a plan for war and regime change in seven countries in five years: Iraq, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan and Somalia. The first four of these were named in A Clean Break, written for then PM Benjamin Netanyahu in 1996. Iraq and Iran were named in Rebuilding America's Defenses written by PNAC in 2000. We invaded Iraq in 2003 on a pack of lies. Israel engineered a war on Hezbollah in 2006. But by 2007 this plan was moribund, so an agreement was reached between the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia that the latter would unleash cutthroat Jihadis onto Iran, Syria and Lebanon. But they were first unleashed onto Libya in 2011, and this will be explored in the next section. After assassinating Gaddafi the Jihadis and weapons they looted from Libya's arsenal were then smuggled into Syria. The former French foreign minister Roland Dumas was asked in 2009 by British officials to help them to plan smuggle Jihadis into Syria. And Great Britain's MI5 have been allowing deranged Islamic extremist preachers such as the killer of Lee Rigby, Michale Adebalajo, to preach Jihad on the streets and in the mosques of Great Britain to provide a steady flow of 'fresh meat' for the Jihad factory in Syria. But despite initial setbacks the Syrian Arab Army stemmed the plague of Jihadi locusts in June last year. This led to the sponsor of the Jihad in Syria, Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia, to threaten Putin: dump Assad or Bandar would unleash hell in Syria. Putin refused. So on 21st August last year Bandar ran a false flag of some kind, using children kidnapped from Lattakia. That false flag was designed to provoke outrage that NATO would come to the rescue of the cutthroat Jihadis. But the cavalry never came. Instead the SAA chased the cutthroats over the border into Iraq. This escape by the cutthroats was allowed by NATO who were told in February by the Kurds was going to happen. Sympathetic Sunni officers in the Iraqi Army ordered their units to stand down which allowed the cutthroats to capture military hardware, and bank accounts and natural resources as a source of finance, none of which they could have been given otherwise by NATO or Saudi Arabia. The cutthroats, consumed by power, declared The Islamic State. Their leader was in Guantanamo for four years, so who knows what they did to him in there. And now The Islamic State is being used as a casus belli for some kind of military action in Syria...eventually. And once NATO starts bombing in Syria they will abuse and ignore any resolutions or treaties to oust Assad one way or another. The did 9/11 to kick out people like Assad. They got Saddam. They got Gaddafi. But Assad still stands.

North Africa

Gaddafi had transformed Libya into the crown jewel of Africa. Libya had the highest UN HDI of any African nation. It is now a pile of rubble with bandits of all persuasions running amok.

How did this happen?

Thank Anders Fogh Rasmussen!!

Gaddafi had agreed to stop his research programs into WMD. He was cooperating in the Global War on Terror. Terrorist suspects were being renditioned to Libya. Gaddafi was giving the names of al Qaeda in Libya to MI6 and the CIA.

But Rasmussen decided to unleash hell in Libya.

The protestors in Libya were al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. NATO demanded a UN resolution to protect these 'protestors'. They got UN SCR 1973. Within days the aim of UN SCR 1973 transformed from one of protecting 'civilians' to killing Gaddafi. British Special Forces and special forces from other sponsors of the Jihadis such as Qatar were on the ground, arming, training and advising the Jihadis, while NATO became the Jihadi Air Force, bombing and bombing and bombing and bombing, killing tens of thousands of civilians, and clearing a path for the Jihadis all the way into Tripoli. The Guardian cheered this bombing on. But NATO, as in Iraq, did not have strategy to restore order. Perhaps that was the plan: let the nations destroy themselves while Israel rises untouched from the flames to conquer the region, financially, economically and militarily. Has nobody asked why, with all crazed cutthroat Jihadis running around they are killing each other and not Israelis? Now the Libyan Jihadis who were trained and advised by British Special Forces are in Syria, perhaps with The Islamic State, or creating chaos in North Africa.

But all three examples cited by Anders Fogh R-arse-mussen, Ukraine, the Middle East and North Africa, as clearly products of NATO warmongering.

Not Russian aggression

NATO warmongering.

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