
Thursday, September 11, 2014


Thirteen years ago today an event occured, the effects of which still have massive influence today. That event was what is known as 9/11. This event was very convenient for particular political circles, namely the Zionist Project for a New American Century, who had issued calls for such an event in order to begin wars across the globe, but in particular Iraq and Iran were the prime targets.

Shortly after 9/11 the former Supreme Commander of NATO in Europe, General Wesley Clark, was told of plan for war and regime change in seven countries in five years. The seven nations named to Clark were Iraq, Iran, Syria and Lebanon, together with Libya, Sudan and Somalia. The first four were also named in another Zionist document called A Clean Break.

We were told that the culprit of this dastardly deed was Osama bin Laden, and that he had been hiding out in Afghanistan for a few years. But ObL had been allowed to escape there after the USA refused the opportunity to have him handed over to them several times. He could also have been 'taken out', but again the green light for his assassination was never given. But ObL suffered from a life-threatening disease called Marfan Syndrome, which requires regular kidney dialysis. After becoming the global Public Enemy Number One after allegedly doing 9/11, how could he avoid capture by being constantly on the move in the remote mountains of Afghanistan while dragging a kidney dialysis machine behind him? He couldn't. ObL died around New Year 2002. But we couldn't be told this because it was going to stop all the wars that had been planned. After years of 'hunting' ObL, he was allegedly found in Pakistan in April 2011 and killed. His body was very suspiciously very quickly 'buried at sea' and photographs of his corpse have never been released. But what NATO did in Afghanistan was restore opium production to record levels after the Taliban had eradicated the industry.

But after this brief detour into Afghanistan for opium, not a dead ObL, the series of wars revealed to General Wesley Clark began.

We were told that Iraq was involved in 9/11 and had WMDs. We were told that we knew where the WMDs were. Pictures showing Saddam at the cockpit of plane about to hit the WTC were printed on the front pages of NATO media. So we invaded Iraq in 2003. But a decade later and we know that neither of these claims was true. However, target Number One had been taken out.

In 2006 Israel engineered a war on Hezbollah after sending unsuspecting IDF into an area they knew was controlled by Hezbollah. The soldiers were killed and knew this, but pretended the IDF were dead and demanded their return alive. Israel then declared war on Hezbollah, but some how lost. But this target Number Two on the list attacked but still in tact.

So by 2007 this plan revealed to Clark was moribund. To get the plan back on track the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia agreed that the latter would unleash cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria, Iran and Lebanon. But to give them cover as 'freedom fighters' the Arab Spring was engineered, funded by the NED among other Washington-based groups.

Libya was on the list of targets. These Jihadis were unleashed onto Libya first. They were described as 'protestors' but were actually al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, and Gaddafi had been giving their names to MI6 and CIA. But British Special Forces assisted AQIM, and NATO abused UN SCR 1973 to attack Libyan military, cheered on by The Guardian, clearing a path for the Jihadis to eventually take Tripoli and kill Gaddafi.

After Libya, these Jihadis and the weapons they looted from the Libyan military arsenal were smuggled into Syria. Former French foreign minister Roland Dumas claims that in 2009 he was asked by British officials to begin planning smuggling Jihadis into Syria. Syria looked like it go the way of Libya, but the brave and competent Syrian Arab Army struck back and took al Qusair last June. The sponsor of the Jihadis, Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia, went to Moscow to threaten Putin that Bandar would unleash hell in Syria if Putin didn't dump Assad. Putin refused. So an event occured on 21st August in al Ghouta which was said to involve chemical weapons. Assad was accused immediately and consistently by NATO media and politicians, despite the overwhelming evidence that the rebels had chemical weapons and stood to gain from NATO bombing SAA units. Such allegations were also the mother of all insults to logic. The SAA then began to easily beat the cutthroat Jihadis, who decided to escape out of Syria into Iraq. This escape was known of in advance by NATO because the Kurds told them in February. With advance warning of this escape sympathetic Sunni officers in the Iraqi Army todl their units to stand down while the cutthroat Jihadis from Syria ran amok. The Jihadis, then drunk with power, declared themselves to The Islamic State, and have been putting down any resistance to them with medieval barbarity, as can be observed every day in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia!!

And so last night, President Obama was very, very unwise to virtually declare war on Syria, citing The Islamic State as a threat to America, even though no specific plot against America or Americans has been detected. Syria has stated that it will cooperate with any nation who wants to degrade and destroy The Islamic State, but all attacks must have the nod from the Syrian government. Obama and Cameron have all stated that they will not cooperate with Assad. And last night Obama said that the USA will also arm and train 'moderate' Syrian rebels despite plenty of reports that these 'moderate' rebels work with and sell weapons to The Islamic State.

But with NATO's behaviour in Libya, and the stated aim that Assad must go, Obama last night virtually declared war on Syria.

All this is due to an event that occured 13 years ago today.

But you wouldn't know it from the NATO, or even Russian, media today.

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