
Friday, October 17, 2014


Further to the initial BBC report that Tarik Hassane had been charged, the following report clarifies that of the four who were initially arrested last week three have been released without charge.

Two other men, aged 20 and 21, arrested on 7 October on suspicion of being concerned in the commission, preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism were released without charge on Monday.

Another man, arrested on the same date, was released from custody yesterday after the Crown Prosecution Service advised the was “insufficient evidence” to bring charges “at this time”, the Yard said.

[source :
Terror plot suspects planned to murder police officers or soldiers in drive-by shooting, court hears, The Independent,, 17th October 2014]
And to further obfuscate what exactly Hassane is being charged with:
Mark Dawson, prosecuting, said the 21 details within the terror charge relate to the gang of four, but different items related to different gang members.

He did not give specifics about which details related to which gang members.

[source : Four men from London appear in court charged with terrorism offences including swearing oaths to join ISIS and obtaining a handgun and ammunition,, 17th October 2014]

From the same report, the charge sheet is:
Between 8 July 2014 and 7 October 2014 with the intention of committing acts of terrorism, or assisting others to commit such acts, you engaged in conduct in preparation for giving effect to that intention, namely:

Took an oath of allegiance to the group IS (Islamic State) a proscribed organization

Gave instructions on the use of secure communications

Set up methods of secret communications

Entered into covert discussions

Demonstrated trade craft by the use of code words for money, mopeds and firearms

Discussed and agreed the sourcing of a firearm

Discussed the sourcing of, and suitable make of moped

Discussed the storage of a moped in Shepherds Bush, West London

Downloaded and circulated the fatwa of Al Adnani

Considered, discussed and decided to act on the fatwa of Al Adnani

Retained an extract from the fatwa of Al Adani

Conducted research into makes of handguns

Arranged for the procurement of a Baikal handgun and ammunition

Entered into an agreement to procure a Baikal handgun and ammunition

Entered into an agreement to supply a Baikal handgun and ammunition

Delivered a converted Baikal handgun and 6 rounds of ammunition

Assisted in the collection and delivery of a converted Baikal handgun and 6 rounds of ammunition

Took possession of a converted Baikal handgun (incorporating a silencer) and 6 rounds of ammunition

Researched on YouTube for Baikal handguns having taken possession of one

Stored the Baikal handgun and ammunition

Viewed and retained an image sent via Instagram of two Metropolitan Police Officers

Viewed and retained an image sent via Instagram of two Metropolitan Police Community Support Officers

Conducted hostile reconnaissance utilising Google Street View mapping of Shepherds Bush Police Station and White City Territorial Army Barracks

Possessed a copy of Inspire edition 1 (Summer 2010)

Possessed a copy of Inspire winter 1431

Possessed extremist jihadi material including a copy of Dabiq edition 04 published on 4 October 2014 containing among other articles graphic images of the beheading of Steven Sotloff

What we have to consider is that:
1. Islamic State was created out of Jihadi organisations who were initially financially sponsored by Saudi Arabia and Qatar, and supported logistically, morally and politically by this Disunited Fascist Queendom, the USA, Israel and France.
2. this was because the initial plan for war and regime change in seven nations in five years, that was initially revealed to General Wesley Clark shortly after the inside job 9/11, was moribund;
3. Syria was one of those seven nations but by August 2013 President Assad was still in power, 2 1/2 years after the Arab Spring, that was CIA/NED/US State Dept engineered, had failed to oust Assad;
4. and the very strange event of 21st August 2013 had failed to provoke a large scale military intervention by NATO on the Jihadi side;
5. the British, according to Roland Dumas, began planning inserting Jihadis into in Syria in 2009;
6. demented preachers like Michael Adeblajo, who MI5 was trying to recruit, were and still are allowed to preach Jihad against Assad because there has been a Covenant of Security between MI5 and the Islamic terrorists for decades and Adeblajo was encouraging Muslims to join the Jihad against Assad.

Oh, it's a mess.

One big, bloody, cutthroat Jihadi mess.

And MI5, MI6 and The Metropolitan Police are up to their necks in it all.

And the war in Syria is all about kicking out Assad because he wants to build a pipeline to transport gas from the Pars field from Iran through Iraq, Syria and Lebanon to Europe while protecting Russia's customer base, while Saudi Arabia and Qatar want to transport gas from the Pars field from Qatar through Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria and Turkey and on to Europe. However NATO are supporting the Qatar proposal because the Qataris and Turks (as NATO members) want to eradicate all Russian influence in Europe by weening Europe off Russian gas.

So what, you might ask?

Well, Russia and several other nations have just created the BRICS Development Bank as a rival to the IMF system, which is dominated by the Federal Reserve which is controlled by Anglophile Jewish banks under the control of the British Monarchy, who in turn engineered World War 1 through Freemasonry, and because no british-controlled world government followed WW1 the Federal Reserve created Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia. Putin is a threat. A massive threat. That is why the Washington Post attacked Putin this week because of a threat to shut down Memorial. So who are Memorial? They have received significant finance from NED for research into how to influence elections in Russia!!

Now is that blatant meddling in the internal affairs of a sovereign nation, or is that blatant meddling in the internal affairs of a sovereign nation?

But that makes no difference. The USA, on behalf of the DFQ, has been interfering in tens of nations, using terrorism and guerrilla warfare to oust democratically elected leaders. The latest of these is in Ukraine!!!!!!

It's weird how such small things fit into global geopolitics.

But Hassane was arrested on the same day that Moazzamm Begg claimed that he approached the FCO for help in negotiating the release of Alan Henning, and was rejected. Begg was subsequently detained in custody on trumped up charges, thus stopping him from negotiating the release of not just Henning but also David Haines. Both Haines and Henning had their heads sawn off, and Callous Cameron used Haines as a casus belli for war in Irsq, when we know the true purpose of the war is to oust Assad for that Qatari-Saudi pipeline.

Hassane was arrested with three others and he was said to be plotting beheadings. But the other three have been released without charge, and we have still not been told precisely what Hassane is charged with, only that he is NOT plotting beheadings, because his charge sheet and the charge sheets of a few other suspects have been curiously all lumped together.

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