
Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Why would high level Rockefeller employee Dr Richard Day predict in 1969 that we would be bombarded by sex, and that homosexuality would be encouraged. "Anything goes", he said, meaning that the most obnoxious and repulsive sexual practice would be encouraged and accepted as the norm.

OK. Let's see where we are now.

First, let's get one thing straight (or in this context should that be erect). Sex is good. Real good. But why is that? It is to encourage procreation, i.e. to have children. If having sex was shit then we as a species would have been extinct centuries ago. This has been recognised for centuries, but I think has been ignored over the last couple of decades. And this is because of Dr Day's aforementioned speech.

In the last few decades homosexuality has been increasingly pushed in the media, and accepted by the general population. Personally, I think there is something unnatural about a bloke wanting to stick their cock up another bloke's arse. And I don't think I am alone in saying that. So why would homosexuality be encouraged? There are three reasons:
1. you may also have noticed this but in the last couple of decades, as this sexual liberation has occured, there has been a massive campaign that the earth is over-populated. Does homosexual sex produce children? Not naturally. So onto point 2;
2. If homosexual sex does not produce children then how can children be produced? Well, just ask Elton John; in a laboratory. And once the state controls the means of human production then it can produce what kind of humans are produced in the lab, but only if they know DNA works, hence the research into DNA;
3. I hate to ask you this, and please don't write in with your answers because I can guess 99% of them, but does having an orgasm make you feel like instigating a revolution against the obvious creeping fascism, violence and, well, how can I put it, Nazism? I doubt it. Forget 9/11. Just lie back with a smile on your face.

So, as the fascism creeps and tiptoes and creeps some more into society, and people become demoralised and spiritually destroyed by the poverty from wars and bailing out the banks, the people are being encouraged not into politics but into sex and all its immediate but empty physical relief, to make them feel good.

But sex means children. So homosexuality and abortion are encouraged, for its inability to reproduce children but also for its degeneracy. King Edward VII engineered WW1. But he was a nymphomaniac bisexual degenerate.

And for those who are rewarded with the great gift of children, keeping them form the evil clutches of the state (and the inherent abusive system that is being exposed) means long, long hours of work and toil, and thus no energy or interest in finding out how the world works. And when told how the world works then they ostracise those who tell them in favour of emotionless sex as a relief.

And children who cannot be looked after by their immediate family are grabbed by the state and passed through an abusive system as shown by recent cases in Rochdale, Rotherham and Oxford.

So that is how sex, as good as it can be, is actually a weapon against the human race.

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