
Friday, November 28, 2014


Brown Moses continues to push the theory that a BUK from Russia shot down MH17, retweeting a video of himself presenting.

A few days ago I asked WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT THIS? referring to a claim that Brown Moses made in a video of a presentation that he gave recently. The claim that he made, at 5:00 into the video, was that a BUK seen in Shizhne on 17th July was the same BUK filmed in Luhansk on 18th July.

But where is the evidence to support such a claim? THERE IS NONE!!

It is pure assumption and he and Belling Cat know it.

I have also set a few homework questions for Belling Cat which as yet have not been answered:
1. How did a BUK get from Shizhne to Luhansk? I ask this because the area between Shizhne and Luhansk was infested with Kiev Nazis who were, as Porky stated on 13th July, fighting to create a corridor south and west of Luhansk to Luhansk Airport. Thus the area south and west and partially south east of Luhansk was a war zone infested with Kiev Nazis. I have provided several possible explanations as to how the separatists could transport a BUK with missing missiles without being stopped at a road block etc:
{i) teleportation;
(ii) Jedi mind control ("This is not the BUK you are looking for");
(iii) magic carpet;
2. Why would the separatists transport a BUK, that had allegeldy just shot down MH17 and was missing a missile or two, into an area that was infested with Kiev Nazis all desperate to be the first to find that BUK, when it was much safer to transport a BUK from Shizhne to Krasnodon?
3. Why would the separatists transport that same BUK to Luhansk when Luhansk was a dead end war zone: north of Luhansk was controlled by Kiev Nazis, and east of Luhansk offers no easy route for a long wide low loader transporting a BUK?

There is serious doubt about when exactly that video of the BUK in Luhansk was filmed, as Belling Cat state themselves.

I think a more credible explanation for a BUK with missing missiles being Luhansk is that it was the one that shot down a Ukraine Air Force Antonov An 26 as it approached Luhansk Airport on 14th July.

But imagine this scenario. There is a civil war in Russia. Russian forces are trying to create a corridor to an airport south of a major rebel city but are meeting fierce resistance. Suddenly a passenger jet MH18 belonging to Malaysia Airlines is shot down close by. The rebels and Russia accuse each other of the atrocity. But Russia and a few other nations decide to keep the investigation and evidence secret and give each other a veto on what is seen and reported on, and shut out Malaysia Airlines and the Malaysian government from the investigation.

If such a scenario did manifest, what would you think?

I would think that Russia would have something to hide.

But this is exactly what is happening with MH17!!!

Ukraine and a few other nations are hoarding the evidence and vetoing what can be released...and are blocking Malaysia from taking part in the investigation!!!


In addition to the three questions above we must also ask:
1. why has NATO not released any of the evidence it says it has from sensors etc?
2. why has NATO relied on a team of amateurs to produce a weak and biased report when they have at their fingertips the world's most powerful data and intelligence gathering and analysis network and could do in one day what they have allowed Belling Cat to do in 4 months?
3. why is the investigation so secretive, and not involving Malaysia whose plane was shot down?

It all stinks of a nasty Nazi cover up!!

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