
Wednesday, November 19, 2014


A bit late now, B!

Five Western hostages of Islamic State have had their heads sawn off. Three Americans and two Brits.

Of the Americans, the families of James Foley and Steven Sotloff both claim that they were warned with being prosecuted if they tried to negotiate a ransom with Islamic State. I have so far not heard anything about whether this threat was also issued to the family of Peter Kassig.

And of the Brits, Callous Cameron stated in The Marsten House that we should not pay any ransom because, he says, it supports terrorism. This is a total load of sweaty, wrinkly bollocks. London has been the centre of terrorism for decades. We had and may still have a Covenant of Security with Islamic terrorists. That is why it has been nicknamed Londonistan. That is why when Reda Hassaine infiltrated Finsbury Park Mosque for MI5 and had the dirt on the preachers MI5 betrayed him. That is why Michael Adebalajo was allowed to preach Jihad against Assad before butchering Lee Rigby. That is why we asked Roland Dumas to smuggle Jihadis into Syria. That is why Osama bin Laden had a mansion in Wembley.

But not only that, a former detainee of Guantanamo Bay called Moazzam Begg was approached by the family and friends of Alan Henning who suggested that he go to Syria to negotiate Henning's release. As a detainee of Guantanamo Bay Begg stood a chance of being able to persuade Islamic State to release Henning. But for whatever reasont he FCO rejected this very promising proposal. Begg still went to Syria and told the British government what he was going to do in Syria and they gave their blessing. But upon his return Begg was arrested on trumped on charges related his trip to Syria that they had blessed! Throughout the spring and summer Begg was detained in custody where he could not negotiate the release of any hostage. It is of great significance that Begg's trial collapsed shortly after Alan Henning had his head sawn off.

Needless to say, Callous Cameron used the brutal deaths of David Haines and Alan Henning as a casus belli against Islamic State, which is now, surprise, surprise, instead turning into a war on Assad.

But in addition, our allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar have been financing the international cutthroat Jihadis in Syria with millions and millions of dollars. Indeed, Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia, who is heavily implicated in 9/11, ran the false flag of Ghouta after threatening Putin that unless Putin dumped Assad then Bandar would unleash hell in Syria. Saudi Arabia chops the heads of its people. So does Islamic State. Coincidence? NO FUCKING WAY!!

There is a treaty that was agreed at the G8 meeting in 2013 that those nations present would not pay ransoms for hostages.

But France ignored the treaty. As have other nations. As a consequence French hostages of Islamic State have been released and are enjoying life with their families and friends with their heads still attached to their torsoes.

But not so for James Foley, Steven Sotloff, Peter Kassig, David Haines and Alan Henning.

Not for them the joys of life with their heads still on their shoulders. Their fate was decided in Vauxhall and Langley: OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!!

Instead of negotiating the release of David Haines and Alan Henning, as France would have done, Callous Cameron and Obama used their citizens having their heads sawn off as a casus belli for war on Islamic State, which is now, surprise, surprise, instead turning into a war on Assad.

While publicly maintaining a long-standing US policy of not negotiating with terrorists or paying ransoms, the White House has quietly ordered a review of relevant policies following a series of executions of US citizens by Islamic State militants.

[source : Obama orders review of US hostage policy, RT,, 19th November 2014]

We have to ask: why did France ignore the treaty and pay ransoms while the USA and UK didn't but then used the brutal deaths of their citizens having their heads sawn off as a casus belli?

I think Cameron or someone in the FCO should be done for cold-blooded murder.

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