
Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Remember a few weeks ago when it was reported that, oopsadaisy, an airdrop from the USA somehow found its way into the hands of Islamic State? Well, Iraq intelligence is reporting that the USA is making airdrops to Islamic State to supply them with weapons and food. Their evidence is that Islamic State are using special armour-piercing bullets that are only available through the Pentagon.

On Saturday, Iraqi security sources disclosed that the ISIL terrorist group is using the state-of-the-art weapons which are only manufactured by the US and each of their bullets are worth thousands of dollars.

"What is important is that the US sends these weapons to only those that cooperate with the Pentagon and this indicates that the US plays a role in arming the ISIL," an Iraqi security source told FNA.

The source noted that the most important advantage of the US-made weapons used by the ISIL is that "these bullets pierce armored vehicles and kill the people inside the vehicle".

He said each of such bullets is worth $2,000, and added, "These weapons have killed many Iraqi military and volunteer forces so far."

[source : Iraq Intel Report: US Planes Supplying ISIL with Weapons, Foodstuff, Fars News Agency,, 16th November 2014]

Perhaps this explains why Samantha Power said nothing about the brutal execution of Syrian soldiers.

The whole point of Islamic State is to oust Assad. This is why when the Kurds told NATO what the Syrian rebels were planning NATO did nothing, and Iraqi officers were bribed to order their unis to stand down and allow the rebels to seize weapons and bank accounts. This is why the Pentagon is in a phony war with Islamic State while supplying them with special armour-piercing weapons. And all this is being done because the Syrian Arab Army was beating the rebels, so Saudi Prince Bandar ran a false flag at Ghouta last year but it failed to provoke NATO into bombing Syria. Assad is delaying the development of a pipeline from the Pars field through Qatar, headchopping Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria and Turkey and then onto Europe to threaten Russia's business with and influence over Europe. And 9/11 was an inside job to kick off a series of wars in North Africa and the Middle East for NATO to destroy decades of development and grab control of people and natural resources.

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