
Sunday, November 16, 2014


On 18th July a video of a BUK with covers removed was published which the Ukraine Interior Minister claimed was filmed in Krasnodon at the crack of dawn on 18th July. He may have changed this to being in Luhansk later.

But he is apparently wrong!

NATO media and politicians have proclaimed a report recently published by Belling Cat to be the gospel on MH17. The report explicitly states that the video was filmed in Luhansk. OK? Got that? Luhansk.

That report also cites the aforementioned video as evidence that Russia shot down MH17 because the BUK in that video is being transported on a red trailer and pulled by a white cabin which the report suggests was under the control of the separatists at the time.

The report also cites Associated Press as a reference, in particular a report published on 25th August. From the Belling Cat report:
The UAP reported on August 25th that “On July 17, AP reporters in the town of Snizhne saw a tracked launcher with four SA-11 surface-to-air missiles parked on a street. The bulky missile system is also known as a Buk M-1. Three hours later, people six miles (10 kilometers) west of Snizhne heard loud noises and then saw the wreckage and bodies from Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 fall from the sky.” Three hours prior to the time MH17 was downed was 1:20pm local time, supporting the time indicated by the shadows in the Snizhne photograph.

[source : Page 9]

But buried in that report is something that destroys the credibility of that Belling Cat report!

There is this paragraph:
One told the AP on Aug. 18 that he had seen a major new arrival of equipment traveling toward the rebel-held city of Luhansk, which is virtually surrounded by government troops and has come under weeks of sustained shelling that has cut off water, power and phone service, and led to daily bread lines.

Let's read that again because it needs to be fully understood.

One told the AP on Aug. 18 that he had seen a major new arrival of equipment traveling toward the rebel-held city of Luhansk, which is virtually surrounded by government troops and has come under weeks of sustained shelling that has cut off water, power and phone service, and led to daily bread lines.

So a reference used in the Belling Cat report itself states that on 18th July Luhansk was "virtually surrounded by government troops and has come under weeks of sustained shelling that has cut off water, power and phone service, and led to daily bread lines".

So as I asked earlier this week:
1. how could the separatists transport a smoking gun BUK from Sizhne through an area infested with Kiev Nazis to reach Luhansk?
2. why would the separatists transport a smoking gun BUK from Sizhne to an area infested with Kiev Nazis when they could very easily transport it to Krasnodon beyond the eyes of the Kiev Nazis?

But it gets worse.

On 25th July Peter Leonard apparently interviewed a separatist who stated that the separatists did it.
A highly placed rebel, speaking to the AP this week, admitted that rebels were responsible. He said a unit based in the hometown of ousted President Viktor Yanukovych, made up of both Russians and Ukrainians, was involved in the firing of an SA-11 from near Snizhne. The rebel, who has direct access to the inner circle of the insurgent leadership in Donetsk, said that he could not be named because he was contradicting the rebels' official line.

[source : What happened? The day Flight 17 was downed, AP,, 25th July 2014]

Hmm. Note that this source "could not be named because he was contradicting the rebels' official line". So is he for real? Bona fide? How did Leonard and this 'rebel' make contact? etc. etc. I'm not sure we can trust this. It is too convenient.

But also mentioned in the same article is the Ukrainian counterterrorism chief, Vitaly Nayda, who had this to say about whet happened to the BUK after it allegedly shot down MH17:
As for the Buk, Nayda said, intelligence suggests it went back on the move shortly after the attack.

That very night, he said, it crossed the border, back into Russia.

Note that Nayda said the BUK was moved, but did not provide a route only that on the night of 17th July the BUK "crossed the border, back into Russia".

So who is lying? Is it:

1. The Ukraine Interior Minister who says the BUK was in Krasnodon then changed this to Luhansk, both in East Ukraine at dawn of 18th July.

2. Belling Cat who say no! The Buk was definitely in Luhansk, which according to a reference that a Belling Cat report cites states was "virtually surrounded by government troops and has come under weeks of sustained shelling that has cut off water, power and phone service, and led to daily bread lines", which begs the questions:
(i) how could the separatists transport a smoking gun BUK from Sizhne through an area infested with Kiev Nazis to reach Luhansk?
(ii) why would the separatists transport a smoking gun BUK from Sizhne to an area infested with Kiev Nazis when they could very easily transport it to Krasnodon beyond the eyes of the Kiev Nazis?

3. Or Ukrainian counterterrorism chief Vitaly Nayda who said no! It went to Russia overnight.

So who is lying?

But here is another possibility: what if the BUK was located in Luhansk when it allegedly shot down MH17? But then the Kiev Nazis would have seen it being fired.

So I ask again and again and again:
1. how could the separatists transport a smoking gun BUK from Sizhne through an area infested with Kiev Nazis to reach Luhansk?
2. why would the separatists transport a smoking gun BUK from Sizhne to an area infested with Kiev Nazis when they could very easily transport it to Krasnodon beyond the eyes of the Kiev Nazis?

The credibility of the proclaimed Belling Cat report rests on the answers to those questions.

Did the separatists use teleportation which was also provided by Russia?

Did the separatists use Jedi mind control when they encountered any Kiev Nazis, telling the Kiev Nazis, "This is not the BUK you are looking for."?

This "smoking gun BUK in Luhansk on 18th July" is getting ludicrous and dangerous The Belling Cat report rests on two very dubious points:
1. coloured squiggly lines that were drawn by the authors themselves:
2. the ludicrous suggestion that the separatists would and could transport the smoking gun BUK from Sizhne to Luhansk when Luhansk was, as a reference cited by the Belling Cat report states, virtually surrounded and being shelled by Kiev Nazis, and I suggest was also a dead end for that BUK?

And to think that that report could be driving us to WW3!!


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