
Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Over the summer Israel killed over 2000 people in Gaza. One incident involved the bombing of four boys playing football on the beach. The response from our politicians was diabolical. It took Ed Miliband 10 days before he criticised the outrageous genocide that Israel committed.

Today it appears that two Palestinians killed four Israelis. The response is predictable: Tzipi Livin, Mark Regev and the usual kind of Zionist commentator has been on TV news all afternoon crying that the attack was outrageous and must be condemned by the international community, and that Israel will respond blah blah blah...

But Israel killed over 2000 people over the summer. Is that not enough? Is it possible that Israel killing over 2000 people in Gaza over the summer might, just might be related to today's incident? Or related to the death of a Palestinian bus driver who was recently hanged in his own bus by Israeli settlers?

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