
Wednesday, November 19, 2014


In 1969 high level Rockefeller employee Dr Richard Day stated to a private audience what would happen during the next few decades. He said that regarding sex "anything goes" would be promoted. One particular aspect of this that would be promoted was homosexuality. Homosexual characters and personalities on TV and in films began to appear with increasing regularity around 1970.

Homosexuality has several benefits for our globalist elite:
1. it encourages people to find physical relief rather than find political solutions to their plight as they suffer more war, fascist austerity and the imposition of a world government;
2. it reduces the birth rate, which coincides with this myth that the earth is overpopulated, i.e. there are too many of us to control.

One famous homosexual was Alan Turing. He was the academic driving force behind the breaking of the Nazi Enigma code during WW2. After the war he was found guilty of indecency and chemically castrated. There is some debate about whether he killed himself or died by accident.

On 28th June this year I proposed a protest outside Freemasons Hall to protest the engineering of WW1 by Freemasonry on the orders of the British monarchy. Only I turned up. But on the other side of Covent Garden there was a huge celebration of blokes sticking their cocks up other blokes arses. WW1 was engineered by the nymphomaniac bisexual degenerate King Edward VII.

So why have attitudes towards homosexuality changed so much? Why?

Why in 1951 would we consider it normal and acceptable to chemically castrate Alan Turing yet in 2014 find it normal and acceptable for homosexuals to parade up and down The Strand to 'celebrate' their sexuality?

It is my personal opinion that there is something degenerate about a bloke who wants to stick his cock up any arse, man's or woman's. But does this mean they should be chemically castrated? Battered? No.

So why have attitudes changed so much?

Well, I will answer that question with this question: why are our newspapers not reporting daily the speeches of General Wesley Clark in which he states that there is a conspiracy to implement a series of wars in North Africa and the Middle East?

This agenda to promote homosexuality is being implemented in nations belonging to NATO and the former British Empire, i.e. the same nations implementing the series of wars in North Africa and the Middle East, who have now degenerated so much that they have unleashed cutthroat Jihadis onto defenceless Syrian children. On the other hand Russia is opposing this series of wars and is also opposing the promotion of homosexuality.

So to put it bluntly: we are promoting homosexuality while unleashing cutthroat Jihadis onto defenceless Syrian children. Russia is opposing both.

There can be only one reason why a film about Alan Turing would be made now: to promote homosexuality.

I watched The Imitation Game yesterday and got the impression that the film was more about promoting homosexuality much more than promoting the mathematics and science of what Turing and his team did. You could argue that the maths and science would be above the vast majority of a potential typical audience. The maths in the film consisted of one simple equation and the science consisted of mention of dials and switches. There was no attempt to describe how Turing was trying to use maths and science to solve the Nazi Enigma code other than that he was trying to create a machine that could calculate hundreds of billions of possibilities.


But was Turing more interested in advancing mathematics and science, or promoting homosexuality? Would Turing want a film made about his machine and the science and maths behind it rather than his homosexuality? I think the former. So should the film have been more about remembering what Turing did by advancing mathematics and science rather than homosexuality? I think so.

Let's get one thing straight: Alan Turing should never have been chemically castrated.

So why did it take until 2013 before he received a royal pardon?

We have to ask: why is homosexuality now being promoted while we are not being told that our very own monarchy engineered World War 1 and through their Hofjuden also engineered World War 2, and are now implementing a series of wars in North Africa and the Middle East that now involve the deployment of cutthroat Jihadis onto defenceless Syrian children?

I would argue that this promotion of homosexuality must be part of the "anything goes" agenda stated by Dr Richard day in 1969.

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