
Tuesday, November 04, 2014


During July of 2013 I posted iLEMMINGS, bashing people for walking down the street but not looking where they are going because they are looking at their phones.

Well that is now leading to a rise in injuries.
The rise of the smartphone has created a headache for users... and their doctors.

Some two in three British GPs have seen an increase in mobile phone related injuries in patients in the last 12 months.

So many people now spend hours glued to the screen, whether they are on the bus or train and even when walking down the street that they are tripping, stumbling and injuring themselves.

[source : Rise in injuries as we gawp at smartphones: Two thirds of GPs report increase in mobile-related injuries in past year as people keep their eyes glued to the screen, The Daily Mail,, 4th November 2014]

This is indicative of the ignorance of the human race.

Instead of protesting with me outside Freemasons Hall on 28th June, the 100 anniversary of the Freemasonic assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand which the British monarchy and their agents then engineered into a world war they then used to push for world government, people cheered on a parade to celebrate blokes sticking their cocks up other blokes arses.

And instead of just simply looking ahead while they walk, look up and take in what is going on around them, watching where they are going so they don't bump into people and cause some aggro, they would rather walk blinkered straight off the edge of a cliff.

But this is no joke. Because people are just walking blinkered into their own prison and slavery to a cabal of warmongering, kiddie-fiddling megalomaniacs.

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