
Saturday, November 15, 2014


An article in The Daily Mail supports the thesis that we are indeed degenarating, obsessed with sex rather than truth, as I experienced on 28th June this year when I turned up to find myself alone outside Freemasons Hall to protest their engineering of WW1 when in Trafalgar Square there was a celebration of blokes sticking their cocks up other blokes arses.

Much was made recently of Kim Kardashian and that obscene photograph of her bulbous bum, and how this kind of 'entertainment' was prophecised in the film Idiocracy. But what about this: two male teachers from the same school have been sent to prison for having sex with the same female student at that school! One taught English, the other taught...HISTORY!!!

What boring, irrelevant and untrue crap did that history teacher teach?

Having done some training to become a teacher I experienced life in several secondary schools of various kinds, and thus the staffrooms and teachers in those schools. I wrote briefly of my experiences, that there is some genuine concern over some students and questions asked and advice given on how to teach particular topics, but Jesus can their conversations be boring, self-centred and unquestioned regurgitated NATO propaganda. And to top it all off I have evidence that in one school I was in, that school had forced their students to write and draw pro-war propaganda to encourage people to fight in the Freemason-engineered World War One and other wars!!

And when I tried to explain to one particular teacher, who I thought and expected would be interested and concerned, just how bad the situation was I was, and have been ever since, ostracised, even though I know for a fact that they know I write this!

Sometimes I shake my head in total disbelief and despair...

So this extract from The Daily Mail report below does not surprise me at all.

Latest figures obtained by the Daily Mail from the Department for Education reveal that at least two teachers a month are banned from classrooms over ‘inappropriate relationships’ with pupils, while experts say the true scale of the problem is impossible to guess.

[source : The ultimate betrayal: As two teachers from the same school are jailed for having sex with the same 17 year old pupil, why ARE there so many predators in our staff rooms?, The Daily Mail,, 14th November 2014]

There was a report in the USA (I think) about a threesome between two female teachers and a male student. World Net Daily are following this kind of breach of trust between teacher and student.

The schools of today influence the future...and the future looks bleak.

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