
Thursday, November 20, 2014


Brown Moses seems to be quite happy about a report from Vice News Simon Ostrovsky. Here it is.

But who are Vice News and Simon Ostrovsky?

Well, here is another 'dispatch' by Simon Ostrovsky for Vice News in which Ostrovsky 'interviews' the US Ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt.

But Pyatt. Pyatt.

That name rings a bell.

Oh yeah. A conversation between Pyatt and Victoria Nuland was recorded in which Nuland tells Pyatt who is going to be in the next government of Ukraine. This is the famous "Fuck the EU" phone call. Here is that phone call. Listen very carefully.

Note the duration of the interview with Pyatt; 9 minutes. AND WHAT A VERY FRIENDLY INTERVIEW IT WAS!!

Almost as chummy as Max Keiser interviewing the latest member of the Rothschild banking family Zac Goldsmith MP.

Yet how long in total is the separatist shown talking for? Far, far less. One wonders what else the separatist said that Ostrovsky is not letting us hear.

So my question is: why would Ostrovsky have a very chummy chat with the US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt, an interview of over 9 minutes, shown in full, and Ostrovsky barely challenges Pyatt on anything he says, yet Ostrovsky goes to interview a separatist and we only get to hear a few statements from the separatist? What else did the separatist say?

I think we can safely say that Ostrovsky is at least biased. He is a dual American-Israeli citizen. His fawning over Pyatt in that interview is sickening. He should have rolled over on his back and let Pyatt tickle his tummy.

Pyatt is supporting neo Nazis!!!!!!!!!!!

If you can be bothered to look, Nuland:
1. is the wife of Robert Kagan, the co-founder of the Project for a New American Century which conspired and ran the Neocon wars after 9/11 and 9/11 itself;
2. stated that the USA has spent over $5 billion on fomenting revolution in Ukraine for the IMF.

Is Ostrovsky exposing the Neocon war agenda? Not as far as I can see.

And this is the same Pyatt in that "Fuck the EU" phone call who is allowed without challenge from Ostrovsky to talk about Russia's influence in Ukraine. And lest we forget, Ukraine has a border with Russia. The USA does not.

And we are all still sat on the edge of our seats eagerly awaiting explanations of how and why the separatists, allegedly just having shot down MH17 with a BUK from the Sizhne area, would transport that BUK with its covers removed to reveal missing missiles, into the dead end war zone of Luhansk that was infested with Kiev Nazis, when they could very easily transport it to Krasnodon well away from the eyes of Kiev Nazis. I have suggested that to transport the BUK the separatists could have used:
1. teleportation;
2. Jedi mind control;
3. magic carpet.

But these are only suggestions as to how the BUK may have been transported. The why needs answering.



Answers please.

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