
Friday, December 12, 2014


At least I know that Eliot Higgins, aka Brown Moses, reads TTS. He tweeted this.

But I have thought he might be reading TTS for a good few months now because there has been a daily visitor to TTS from Leicester for a while.

But now we know for a fact that he reads TTS can he and his dubious Belling Cat team explain:
1. how the separatists transported the smoking gun BUK from Shizhne to get to that crossroads in Luhansk allegedly at dawn on 18th July?
2. why would the separatists transport such a BUK into the dead end war zone of Luhansk that was surrounded and infested with Kiev Nazis?
3. why NATO has not released the evidence it says it has but instead relied on them over a period of 4 months to produce a report using unreliable videos and coloured squiggly lines drawn on by the authors when the CIA/NSA with their computing power (which I assume might be superior to a Mac) and analysis teams could do in one day what Belling Cat did in 4 months?

There is no doubt that the separatists had a BUK. They claimed to have shot down a Ukraine Air Force An 26 with one. Where? OH! LUHANSK!!

The area between Shizhne and Luhansk was a war zone. On 13th July Porky tweeted that the Kiev Nazis were going to create a corridor south and west of Luhansk to Luhansk airport, which is south south east of Luhansk. All major routes between Shizhne and Luhansk were therefore either in a war zone or controlled by Kiev Nazis.

There is also the discrepancy with times. The Ukraine counterintelligence chief says that all BUKs were in Russia by 0400 at the latest. But what time of the day would you say it was when that video of the smoking gun BUK in Luhansk was filmed? 0400? 0500?

The Rothschild media psyop The Interpreter proposed 2 routes for a BUK. Both of those go through war zones. And interestingly their proposed route from Shizhne to Krasnodon goes past the war zone airport but avoids the crossroads where the smoking gun BUK was filmed!! The route that goes through that crossroads goes through Kiev Nazi territory and starts where the separatists say they shot down the Antonov An 26 on 14th July.

Higgins was quoted by The Washington Post thus regarding the identity of a tweeter:
"He demonstrates that judging the credibility of a source isn't always straight forward, and why with social media it's important to use multiple sources before relying too much on one claim being credible or not."

So why have Higgins and Belling Cat ignored the fact that the Kiev Nazis had BUKs...and which were close to the flight path of MH17? Commander Khodakovsky caused a stir over summer with a few interviews. He said the Kiev Nazis knew that the separatists had BUKs so should have diverted all air traffic over East Ukraine. But guess what? It was recently revealed that Kiev ignored demands to divert civilian aircraft over East Ukraine.

Anyway, my thanks to Higgins is because many more will now be aware that:
1. our Royal Family (the ones who were good mates with Jimmy Savile) engineered World War One and WW2 with all its slaughter;
2. the war on Syria is just one of seven planned to be executed after 9/11 (even though those nations had sweet FA to do with 9/11);
3. we planned the war in Syria years ago and unleashed cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria with the assistance of Israel and Saudi Arabia;
4. the violence in Ukraine is being run by NATO-sponsored neo-Nazis being used by NATO to drag Ukraine into the EU/IMF/NATO sphere of influence to eventually plonk first strike missiles aimed at Moscow on Russia's doorstep because Russia is showing signs of resistance to the warmongering kiddie-fiddling globalist megalomaniacs whom Higgins is proud to serve.

I am not claiming that Higgins is a CIA agent, just merely hinting that he has chosen the side of some pretty nasty scumbags, the sort who engineer world wars and unleash cutthroat Jihadis onto defenceless children and support Nazis as they indiscriminately shell children in Donetsk and Luhansk, in a fight to the death for control of the world, all its resources and its people...including children.

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