
Sunday, December 14, 2014


President Andrew Jackson was pure human scum. As pure human scum that you could find. One of the foulest creatures to ever walk this earth.

But G Edward Griffin, author of The Creature from Jekyll Island, apparently loves him!!

1. was a slaveholder;
2. was implicated in treason against the United Stated in several plots;
3. appointed the Rothschilds as agents for the US in Europe (so much for his alleged anti-banker status);
4. could not find a man willing to remove federal deposits from the Second Bank of the United States to destroy that bank and thus the United States, so he appointed another slaveholder Roger B Taney as his third Secretary to the Treasury. Taney moved the deposits into the banks of his mates who used it to speculate and create a credit bubble which later wrecked the American economy. Taney later wrote the decision in the Dred Scott case which pushed for more slavery and provoked the north.

So, all in all, Jackson was as much of a scumbag as Jimmy Savile!!

Beware the Jacksonites. Anyone who worships Jackson is either pro-confederacy and pro-slavery and/or doesn't know their history.

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