
Saturday, December 13, 2014


Mr E Higgins has tweeted twice that Porky has told ABC that he Porky has a satellite photo of the launch of the rocket that hit MH17.


He could end all this speculation now. This second.

But instead he allows his Kiev Nazis to publish a video of a BUK system with a missing missile that was filmed in Luhansk, but there is some serious doubt that it was filmed on 18th July: how did it get there from Shizhne? if not Shizhne then was it from east of Luhansk? Where the separatists shot down an Antonov An 26 on 14th July? And in both these cases, how did it get through Kiev Nazi territory that was a war zone?

And he and other NATO politicians cite Belling Cat's report which uses that video as killer evidence that Russia shot down MH17 when there is no evidence provided in that report to support such a claim.

Or, as I suspect, is Porky telling porkies?

How many times has he claimed that Russia has invaded Ukraine, or made other wild claims, and not been able to back them up?

Porky is a man in charge of a nation on the brink of collapse. He is desperate for any support he can get. Nazis are taking control in Ukraine...and they want Donetsk and Luhansk smashed like Hitler wanted Leningrad and Stalingrad smashed,

But it didn't turn out so well for the Nazis then...

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