
Sunday, December 14, 2014


With the election of Jim Murphy as leader of Scottish Labour, the so-called 'left' in Scotland has dived to new depths of depravity.

Murphy is a member of the Advisory Council of The Henry Jackson Society.

The what society?

The Henry Jackson Society. It is essentially the Project for New American Century reincarnated after PNAC was chased out of the USA after the debacle of the invasion of Iraq, and is one those think tanks that is the alleged 'brains' behind ZioNATO imperialism.

Patrons of the HJS include:
Max Boot
Michael Chertoff
Carl Gershman (NED)
Ambassador Dore Gold (Israel)
Bruce Jackson (Senator John McCain)
Robert Kagan (PNAC)
William Kristol (PNAC, Emergency Committee for Israel)
Dr. Joshua Muravchik
Richard Perle
Natan Sharansky (Israel)
James Woolsey

Murphy on his website extols the virtues of the warmongering HJS in his acceptance speech for his position on the HJS Advisory Council.

Scottish Labour is now officially fucked.

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