
Saturday, January 10, 2015


The Correctiv report quotes unnamed 'witnesses' who told Correctiv journalists that something happened close to their settlement.

But where is this location?

Just before Christmas RTL Nieuws published a report which identified a field along the T0522 about 5 to 6 Km immediately south of Shnizhne. The nearest village is Pervomais'kyi about 1 km east from that field. This report was proclaimed as the gospel truth by the likes of Belling Cat etc. Indeed a week or two ago there was much excitement that a piece of plastic allegedly found in that field by an intrepid journalist named Oliphant would prove their theory that a BUK fired a missile from that field about 5 Km south of Shnizhne and 1 km to the west of Pervomais'kyi. That minor investigation seems to have fizzled out.

But just a few days ago two linked reports were published. One by Correctiv, the other by Der Spiegel. I have identified several anomalies in the Correctiv report. But the Der Spiegel report proposes another bombshell!!

This may have been overlooked by Belling Cat in their excitement but I would like to bring to your attention the following about a railway embankment.

The Correctiv report contains this:
The launch site

The field cannot be seen from the road. To the east, a factory site blocks the view to the N21 road, a railway embankment and a little forest protect the field from sight in the north. Beyond the embankment lies a settlement.

The field is unworked. There are a few beer bottles lying around. In some places the ground is darker. Wide track marks are visible within a field of grain, too wide for a tractor. They must be from a track vehicle with a wide wheel base.

The settlement by the railway embankment consists of flat farm buildings surrounded by fences and walls. Dogs bark. At first there are no people in sight. If someone appears, they immediately go on their way. The people are afraid. “They’ll kill me if I say something,” says one man.

...A man suddenly says: “Over there the railroad ties and the grass were burning.” But then one of the women elbows him in the side and he stops talking. A cell phone rings, the people walk away.

And it goes on like that. The theme of this section and the following section, entitled The Witness: a graphic feature, is that the people living in a particular unnamed settlement saw the missile being fired from a field close to that settlement and are terrified of speaking out.

I have had a good look on Google maps south of Shnizhne for a railway embankment, particularly around Pervomais'kyi, but cannot find one.

Locating this railway embankment is crucial for obvious reasons.


But note how Correctiv describe this settlelment: "The field cannot be seen from the road. To the east, a factory site blocks the view to the N21 road, a railway embankment and a little forest protect the field from sight in the north. Beyond the embankment lies a settlement."

There are no maps or faces in the Correctiv report, and we only have this to go on regarding the location.

But what about the Der Spiegel report?

Well, that goes a bit further and provides a location!!

In the section Frage 6 entitled, Wie, Der Spiegel provides a map of where the location is!!

And guess what?


The Der Spiegel report actually places an image of a BUK in that field.

And if you zoom in on Google Maps about 3 Km north of Shnizhne you will find that the field located by Der Spiegel fits with the description given by Correctiv.
1. there is a factory to the east which blocks it from the N21;
2. there is a railway to the north.

But which settlement they are talking about I do not know. Perhaps Belling Cat can 'geolocate' this settlelement from the short video provided by Der Spiegel in that section Frage 6, Wie which shows a vehicle pulling off a country road into a street with houses and then, for some reason, turning from video into animation. Why this was done I don't know. This could give the identities of these 'witnesses' away, if they actually exist. Because the way that Der Spiegel have done this gives the impression that the man in the animation is one of the witnesses. But if he was animated then was this done to protect his identity? But the video could give his location and thus identity away!!!

Anyway, the location of this field which Der Speigel have put a BUK in is 3 km north of Shnizhne where the N21 takes a sharp 90 degree turn. YOU CAN'T MISS IT!!!

The field is about 3 Km north of Shnizhne and 2 Km east of Sukhivs'ke.

If this is true we now have THREE proposed launch sites: Chernukino, 5 Km south of Shizhne and now 3 Km north of Shnizhne.

Here is what George Soros employee Aric Toler tweeted about the Correctiv and Der Speigel reports:


So where was MH17 shot down from: Chernukino? 5 Km south of Shnizhne? Or 3 Km north of Shnizhne?

Answers please.

This is important. You can't just keep saying MH17 was shot down from here, no it was shot down from there, no actually it was shot down from over there.

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