
Friday, January 09, 2015


1. Correctiv was founded with a grant from The Brost Foundation. This foundation was established by Erich Brost in 1991 (just after the Berlin Wall came down and NATO began its expansion into the former USSR), who interestingly earned his fortune from publishing a newspaper in the British-occupied zone of Germany after WW2, and that is after having worked for the BBC. So his 'neutrality' and thus that of his foundation is destroyed straight away. The British would not give a licence for a newspaper unless it was going to push the NATO line, now would they? In addition the report was compiled with Der Spiegel, another NATO flagship outlet.;
2. the report says the video of the BUK in Luhansk was filmed on the evening of July 17th. Really? Very interesting. We were told it was filmed at dawn on 18th July;
3. the report also says that the separatists had total control of the area between Shizhne and Luhansk. Er, what about the small matter of the Kiev Nazis creating a war zone from punching a hole in the defences of the separatists to create a corridor running south of Luhansk to Luhansk Airport?;
4. the report says that the BUK filmed in Luhansk was on its way to the border with Russia, but fails, as do Belling Cat, to explain why it would be in a western suburb of Luhansk, or how it got through a war zone infested with Kiev Nazis;
5. the report also suggests that civilian passenger planes were being used as human shields. The Ukraine military say that none of their military aircraft flew that day but will not provide their log books for inspection. And this statement also contradicts eyewitnesses who told the BBC that fighter jets were close to MH17 when it was shot down, and also contradicts the Spanish ATC who tweeted in real time that fighter jets were close to MH17 when it was shot down. But this reinforces the unreliability of the Ukraine Security Service due to their claims about Cossacks shooting down MH17 from Chernukino.;
6. the names/faces/addresses of the witnesses who say they heard and/or saw a missile being fired from Shizhne are not given, so with the questions raised above their existence can be questioned.

And as with Belling Cat there is no discussion of the tapes released by the Ukraine Security Service that they said proved 100% beyond doubt that Cossacks shot down MH17 from Chernukino, and thus does not address the huge implications for the reliability of any evidence that the Ukraine Security Service produce or handle.

The report is biased. Less biased than Belling Cat's. At least Correctiv try to address Ukraine's BUKs and the human shield scenario.

But neither address:
1. if MH17 was shot down from Shizhne then what does that say about the the Ukraine Security Service who released a tape to the whole world which they said proved 100% beyond doubt that Cossacks shot down MH17 from Chernukino;
2. how and why a BUK with missing missiles travelled through a war zone infested with Kiev Nazis to be in a western suburb of Luhansk at a time when the Ukraine Security Service say all BUKs were in Russia.

Asnwers please: was it Shizhne or Chernukino?

BTW, what happened to that piece of plastic found in the field?

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