
Saturday, January 10, 2015


I cannot believe the number of dunces who are praising the Collect!v report without any kind of analysis.

Here's a tweet retweeted by Higgins:

This guy Walker works for The Guardian in Moscow. Surprised? No. Me neither.

May I remind everyone what is happening:
1. The Ukraine Security Service released tapes that they said proved 100% beyond doubt that Cossacks shot down MH17 from Chernukino;
2. but until late December 2013 Belling Cat were suggesting that MH17 was shot down from south of Shnizhne, without saying a word about what the Ukraine Security Service had said;
3. so when RTL Nieuws published a report in late December 2014 that 'proved', through 'geolocation' analysis of a photo showing a plume of smoke, that MH17 was shot down from a field 5 Km south of Shnizhne, Belling Cat were ecstatic and gloating;
4. but less than a month later Collect!V and Der Spiegel have published parallel reports that quote alleged eyewitnesses (who are not named or shown) who say they saw and heard a missile being launched from a field 3 Km north of Shnizhne, and the Belling Cat team are ecstatic and gloating.

The RTL Nieuws report used a photo of a plume of smoke. Using 'geolocation' RTL Nieuws showed that the source of that smoke could only come from a location on a particular line of sight, and the location identified in that RTL report was a field 5 Km directly south of Shnizhne. This field had curiously been identified by a reporter called Roland Oliphant, who also curiously says he found an object in that field. This object was investigated by Belling Cat and as yet has not been found to be linked to MH17. But due to the RTL Nieuws report, according to the Belling Cat team the crime was solved: MH17 was shot down from south of Shnizhne. Higgins swore that the photos were original and not doctored. It was gloat, gloat, gloat.

Here is what Higgins told the CIA media organisation RFERL:
"The Buk we tracked on July 17 unloaded north of that area, and was seen driving down the road towards the area, so it certainly all fits together very nicely," he said over e-mail. "Everything in the photo matches what we know already."

[source : New Competing Claims On Downing Of MH17, RFERL,, 24th December 2014]

But the Collect!V and Der Spiegel reports, based on 'eyewitness' accounts, suggest that MH17 was shot down from a field 3 Km north of Shnizhne...WHICH IS NOT ON THE LINE OF SIGHT IN THE PHOTOS!!!

So WTF is going on?

If Higgins and/or the Belling Cat can see these blatant contradictions, then as 'journalists' why are they not pointing them out?

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